Reflections of Sarah

Your ultimate Audio/Video library. I'd like to say thanks to everyone who has voluntarily (and involuntarily) added items to my collection. Have fun, and if you have anything to add to the collection, e-mail me.

For all images : Click on image for a full-sized view.
To play movies : Click on underlined text. Right click on first frame,
and choose "play...".
 *The photo archives have been reduced in size majorly*

Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Page 1 , Page 2 , Page 3 , Page 4


Buffy the Vampire Slayer theme song, by Nerf Herder

Sarah singing the theme song of "The Brady Bunch"

Other comments from an interview


Sarah Gellar: acceptance speech at the Emmys (not sure if it works)

(Sorry guys, the interview is gone until I can find 2.8 meg of space to
put it in. Anyone want to donate. I will be sending the file to those
people who already sent me requests before September 1.
Check here on the 2nd and hope it's back!)

Buffy the Vampire Slayer: clip from pilot episode (.avi format, 776Kb)

In Print

Here's where I'll be periodically adding interviews I come across.
First, I've gotta have the time, and get permission. So it might take
a week or two.

Don't worry about the limited number of items there are. The photo galleries are a whole lot bigger than they seem.

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