White Shogunzord

Pilots : The White Ranger, The Pink Ranger

The White Shogunzord is the Powerful Shogunzord of the White Ranger. It was found by Finster and brought to life with the Powers of Ninjor. Billy managed to get it under the Rangers controle and Tommy used it to stop Zedd's heinis plan. Being that Kimberly's Power Coin was lost to Rita and Zedd she could not Power up a zord of her own. Therefore she shared Zords with Tommy. Even after the Coin was retreived it was too late and Kat shared the White Shogunzord with the White Ranger. The White Shogunzord formed the left arm of the Mighty Shogun Megazord. The Zord posessed some weapons and the fact the it was a huminoid Zord made it all the better. With the destruction of the White Falcon Power Coin the White Shogunzord disapeared. It may have returned to a dormant state. 

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