The Black Psycho Ranger was called forth by Astronema to destroy the Space Rangers. His incredible Powers came from Dark Specter himself making him nearly invincable. Psycho Black could summon a Psycho Lance as well as fire massive blasts of energy at the Space Rangers. He could also Morph into various different forms. He could morph into a human, a monster, or a Black Space Ranger. Psycho Black read Carlos' mind and learned all about him making it easy to defeat him in battle. The Black Psycho Ranger was destroyed while in monster form by the combined Powers of the Astro Delta Megazord, Mega Winger, and Mega Voyager. Shortly after he returned as a ghost and got into a machine Astronema was using to turn people into data cards. The Machine was able to bring Psycho Black back, but only a little while after his return the Power Rangers used the same machine to turn him into a data card.
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