Psycho Pink

Astronema was trying to get rid of Dark Specter and the Power Rangers at the same time, which is why she used the Pink Psycho Ranger. Because her Powers came from Dark Specter, everytime she fought Dark Specter would grow weaker. Psycho Pink used a Psycho Bow when necassary to blast the Rangers. She also could fire intense electricity at the Space Rangers, which always seemed to weaken them. Psycho Pink had the ability to Morph into a human, a monster, and a Pink Space Ranger. In her first battle against the Power Rangers she read Cassie's mind and learned all about her. Very soon after that battle Psycho Pink took on the Rangers herself. After morphing into her monster form and growing she was destroyed by the Mega Voyager. Some time after that she was able to return as a ghost and get into a machine Astronema was used to turn people into data cards. The machine was able to bring Psycho Pink back, but soon after she was brought back Zhane blasted her with the machine and turned into a data card.

© 1999