The Magna Defender

Identity : Mike Corbett
Weapon : Magna Blaster
Zord : Torozord

The Magna Defender was a mysterious hero who battled the evil Scorpius over three thousand years ago. Magna Defender was fighting Scorpius and his henchmen on his home planet when he was blasted to the ground. His son Zika went after Scorpius and Scorpius blasted Zika to the ground killing him. The Magna Defender became obessed with revenge plotting to destroy Scorpius no matter what. Some time later he had found and released the Lights Of Orion on Mirinoi but Treacheron had been sent to fight him. In his weakened state the Magna Defender was knocked into a huge opening in the ground. The opening closed and The Magna Defender had been there for three thousand years before the crevice opened again and Mike Corbett fell in. Magna Defender managed to save Mike by throwing his sword to stop him from falling. He then took his life force and was able to return to the surface. He searched for the Lights Of Orion once he was released to destroy Scorpius. The Lights were eventually found but chose the Rangers over the Magna Defender. Needing an alternative way to destroy Scorpius he used his Torozord to make the mountain dome highly unstable and ready to blow up while the Scorpion Stinger was attached. Torozord however threw him out of the Zord not allowing him to destroy the whole colony and Scorpius managed to escape. The Magna Defender was weak and unable to fight the Sting Wingers Scorpius had just sent down. Leo came to his aid and saved him, where afterward Magna Defender revealed to him that his brother was alive inside of him. The Rangers tryed to save the colony but couldn't get to the volcano top and were eventually blasted so hard by the energy waves that they demorphed. Magna Defender started to remember when he had honor like them, when suddenly Zika appeared to him. Zika reasured Magna Defender that the warrior that once fought for good was still inside of him and he had to save the colony. Magna Defender then threw his sword into the ground creating a forcefield around the Rangers to prevent them from stopping him and made his way to the top of the volcano. He beamed into the volcano and absorbed the energy harness saving Terra Venture. With Magna Defender's death Mike was released and reunited with his brother. The Rangers took the Sword back to their room where they all celebrated Mike's return. Later Mike watched as the Rangers were battling a giant monster in the Powered Up Galaxy Megazord. The Megazord was trapped in a mirror and Mike stood there wishing he could help when the Magna Defender appeared to him. Magna Defender told Mike he had to finish what they started. Telling him he was to carry on the work they began the Magna Defender's sword teleported from the room into Mike's hands. As Mike held the sword a Magna Defender Morpher also materialized on his wrists. Magna Defender told Mike that he would become the Magna Defender and that it was his destiny. Mike then threw the sword into the air called out "Magna Power" and used the Magna Defender Morpher to Morph into the Magna Defender. Mike saved his friends and now holds the Powers of the Magna Defender. He now can fight for good and help to defeat Scorpius once and for all.

© 1999