Welcome to...

all you've ever wanted to know about Hollywood's finest actor, Rick Moranis.


(which is now kind of old.)


My interest in Rick Moranis still thrives but as you have probably guessed, I've completely lost interest in running this page but I have spent to many hours working on it to just let it go. This is why I am now looking for a suitable heir to takeover my site. This certain person only need to meet a couple of important criteria to be considered.

1. Must be more dedicated than me.
2. MUST share the same dream as me; "to spread the word of Moranis to every corner of the web".

If possibly you are THE ONE, then e-mail me and in 25 words or less tell me why YOU deserve to take over the thriving empire of The Moranist's Handbook. 22/2/98

To all Moranists: Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
sorry i haven't done anything to this page in a long time. I promise I'll give it a major facelift by... the start of next year. If you want more info on Rick, visit the Rick Moranis Internet Fanclub. I don't have the address with me but if you're busting to go there, e-mail Lindsey, the co-ordinator of the mailing list. I'm sure she will be kind enough to give it to you.

Recently there has been some misconception about who I actually am. Just to clarify, I am infact NOT Rick Moranis. To my knowledge he does not run his own homepage. My name is Yuh T'sun Wu (pronounced Ee Chun Wu)and I have no relation to Rick whatsoever. I am just a big fan of his dedicated enough to run this page. Sorry to dissappoint those who believed otherwise. 2/12/97

Join the newly acquired RICK MORANIS MAILING LIST. Just e-mail Lindsey about it and I'm sure she'll be more than happy to add you to the so far, 4 membered mailing list.

A Spaceballs 2 has been rumoured! 13/11/97

Filming of Strange Brew has finished and its due to come out at about Christmas time for those of you who are lucky enough to live in America and Canada. 13/11/97

The Great White North album has been re-released on CD by Mercury. Look out for it! Thanks to Doug for this news. 14/10/97

visit this site to download a movie clip of Rick hosting the Muppet Show. He sings some kind of pop medley while the muppets are having a war behind him. 9/10/97

Rick has been classed as an IITP. That is an Introverted Intuitive Thinking Perceiver. This is one of the 16 personalities determinded by the Myers-Briggs Temperment Index. visit here for a description. 9/10/97

This is not in print yet but Rick might be playing Gilligan or the professor in a new Gilligan's Island movie.

It is now definate that Stange Brew 2 is in the making. Bob and Doug have also done some Molson beer commercials, which they better show in Australia.

A new Ghostbusters movie is being written! A lot of the original cast members like Bill Murray and Sigorney Weaver won't be in it but luckily for us Rick is still going to play his loveable role of Louis Tully. That is, if the movie actually happens. For more info on Ghostbusters 3, visit Spook Central. You can find it in my links page.

This will eventually have reviews for every Moranis movie I've seen.

A couple of McKenzie Bros. pics have been added.

Now you can sing along to music! Enjoy.


courtesy of David A Guild

Moranis, Moranis,
we all call him Moranis.
Moranis, Moranis
we all call him Moranis!

Moranis, Moranis
we all call him Moranis.
Moranis, Moranis
when it is hot he'll fan us.

(this is not about the real Moranis but it's catchy nevertheless)

please sign my guest book and tell me what you think of my page.

You can also visit my guest book here.

The Moranist's Handbook was founded on July 16, 1997 and was last updated on 25 Nov 97, just incase you were wondering.

Woohoo! My counter's working!
This many people have been here: since Nov 28 '97

Goodbye! Please come again!

Please e-mail me if you have something to add or comment about at tsunwu@hotmail.com

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