Barenaked Ladies:

All Hail The Chimp

"I've got depraved chimps dressed up in women's underwear"


Of all the bands ever in the history of rock 'n' roll, Barenaked Ladies are the best. Barenaked Ladies began as a duo with Steven Page and Ed Robertson in the rock and roll capital of Canada Scarborough, Ontario. In 1988, Scarborough, Ontario was the centre of the Universe, the same year Mike Myers was cast as on Saturday Night Live bringing his bizarre characters to late night television.  Barenaked Ladies quickly established a cult fan base in the Canadian music scene that expanded into a national phenomenon. By combining warm melodies with catchy lyrics they have attracted millions of gullible fans. Their musical precision is breathtaking, and lyrics profound with a touch of genius. Everyone loves Barenaked Ladies, but what about the band. These are the Barenaked Ladies.


The Man. The Legend. The Nerd. Can we ever really know Steven Page? The answer, Yes. Steven Page is the lead singer/guitarist of Barenaked Ladies. He is considered by fans the John Lennon of Barenaked Ladies, except ten times a bigger than God. His songs are insightful, beautiful, breathtaking and sometimes pessimistic. His phenomenal voice sends shivers down spines with sparking a variety of emotions. Steven Page is also considered sexy by many isolated, very isolated cultures. He is also very politically active, supporting the NDP party as well as sitting on the board of Canadian literature. Steve lives in Toronto with his wife Carolyn and their three children Isaac, Benjamin and Jonah. 

Quote: "I have to set an example for the young people. And that is, be a fat guy with bad hair." 

Photo courtesy of Tech Photograph


Ed Robertson knew Steven Page since grade school, together they created Barenaked Ladies when they were band geeks at the Scarborough music camp. This is where Barenaked Ladies were born and the world has never been the same.  Ed had become known as the king of acoustic hip-hop. He is a huge influence in everyone's life. Ed is the fun member of Barenaked Ladies, his masterpieces such as "One Week" and "Another Postcard" have brought Barenaked Ladies to the radio instilled youth. Ed sings many of the main vocals with Steve and plays the guitar and electric bass. This year Ed has dazzled audiences with a string of cinematic triumphs, including this summer's blockbuster  Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle(2003). He also touched the Toronto Film Festival inappropriately with the Canadian film,  Love, Sex and Eating the Bones(2003). Ed is happily married to Natalie and lives in Toronto with his three children Hanna, Lyle, and Arden.

Quote: "We're in a band called Barenaked Ladies, you might remember us from when you used to beat us up  in high school."

Photo courtesy of As Blue As His Eyes BBS


Jim Creeggan's double bass is the backbone of Barenaked Ladies. Also known as "Carrot Top" he is one the world's great bass players. Jim joined Barenaked Ladies with his brother Andy back in 1989, when they toured with the stage name Boy Georges' Boys. Jim began music at a very young age singing with his brother at family gatherings. He is a brilliant bass player that can play all night long. It's actually quite a wistful experience to witness. Jim's bass gives Barenaked Ladies a dimension absent in most rock bands. In addition to the band, Jim  has a side project with his brother Andy, aptly titled Brothers Creeggan. Listen to "Lila", it is a very beautiful song. 

*Note: Steve and Ed convinced Jim to drop out of music college to go on the road with Barenaked Ladies and pursue national fame.

Quote: "I'm not a vegetarian. I just look like one"

Photo courtesy of Rock Publication


If Steve is the John Lennon of Barenaked Ladies, it is fair to say Kevin is the Yoko Ono. Kevin Hearn is a multi-talented musician who joined Barenaked Ladies in 1995 after the departure of Andy Creeggan. His quirky musical imprints can be seen in the bands most recent albums. Kevin is an eclectic musician, you can hear him play keyboards, piano, organs, sampler, clavinet, accordion, acoustic and electric guitar, banjo, mandolin, glockenspiel, vibraphone, synthesizer, and saw. He also normally backs the lead vocals for the band. In 2000, Kevin recorded "Hidden Sun" as a bonus track for the Maroon album, a touching, warm song he wrote about his battle with leukemia.  Kevin also has a solo band called Kevin Hearn and Thin Buckle which hits the road when Barenaked Ladies are on vacation. Their next album Nightlight is expected to be in record stores January 2004.  

Quote: "I'd like the vegetarian sub. Can I get some bacon on that?"

Photo courtesy of


Tyler Stewart is the slack-ass drummer of Barenaked Ladies and is the mature one in the group as you can see here. In 1990, Tyler saw Barenaked Ladies perform at a Buskers Festival and immediately got naked. Steve, Ed, Jim and Andy were sickened, but allowed him to join the band anyway. In the off time from Barenaked Ladies, Tyler enjoys eating spinach and brownies and watching any kind of pornography possible. 

Quote: "There's nothing wrong with a good spanking to put things in perspective. I'm surprised at how many people enjoy spanking. I'm not one for receiving pain."

Photo courtesy of Maybe You Should Drive

Top  5 Songs sung by Steve       

  1. Brian Wilson
  2. Call and Answer
  3. What a Good Boy
  4. The Old Apartment
  5. Upside Down

* Notable Mention: "In the Car" and "Too Little, Too Late" "It's All been Done"... I love all their songs!

Top 5 songs sung by Ed

  1. One Week
  2. Testing 1,2,3
  3. When I Fall
  4. Falling for the First Time
  5. Another Postcard

The latest and greatest album from Barenaked Ladies "Everything to Everyone" was released October 21st 2003. Get it today! Listen for the catchy tracks "Maybe Katie" "Testing 1,2,3" and "Upside Down". It has everything a fan could ask for. This could quite possibly be their best album yet, but don't take my word for it... I can't stand the band!


An idiots Guide to Barenaked Ladies

A site devoted to the black cords worn by Steven Page

The Creeggan Brothers Official Site

Catch the Ladies online doing some serious bloging

If you are a pathetic, sad, sick individual proudly click here!

Drums, Chicken and Poop

Steven Page's Poetry

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