Red sky at night, shepherd's delight

This was the page for a cry of help that was up on this site for Shawn, during his time in rehabitilation.   Red sky at night was always a sign of hope, but alas, Shawn never came back to us and he passed away.

Shawn's promising career had a set back a long time ago due to a car crash that Shawn was involved in.   His car, a Toyota Corolla had been broad sided on the passenger side by a truck.

Shawn was injured in a motor vehicle accident on March 29, l994.  He sustained a cut on his right ear, no other broken bones.  He was wearing his seat belt as he always did. He had a severe closed head injury and was in a deep coma.  At the scene of the accident, he received cpr from an off duty police officer who was on the scene in two minutes.  Shawn was not breathing and had no heartbeat.  It took them twenty five minutes to start his heart, but he received cpr after only two minutes.  His temperature was only 72 when he reached the hospital.  However, the doctors said that he would not live and that if he did (5 percent chance he would) he would be severely brain damaged and unable to do anything and that they thought it better he did not live.

At one time they called his family in with a minister to say goodbye to him as he had de saturated so much they said it would only be an hour or two before he was gone.  At that moment standing over him, all his family holding hands and praying, they knew that he was not going to die.  Suddenly while they were standing there, the numbers on the monitors changed for the better and he lived.

His family, whom I am in constant contact with, said this about the accident:

"This accident was not his fault, it was just a very troublesome intersection where there are accidents about once a day, but this woman was speeding through this intersection and could not stop.   Shawn was three blocks from home."

He was 23 years old and was in a rehabilitation hospital, where he had been for over two years.  His family didn't feel safe in taking him home because he was still on a ventilator.   He was in a vegetative state and unresponsive. However they always tried to get through to him and at times felt as though he knew but had no motor abilities.

"We are very proud of him for all of his accomplishments but especially now for all the courage he has shown.  We miss the old Shawn terribly, but pray each day that the new Shawn will come back to us anyway that he can."

This is what his family and I wished for, hoped and prayed for.

Shawn was a fighter and had been fighting it for over four years.   But his fighting it was not enough.   He needed help.   The only way that I could help was with keeping this web page going and saying a prayer for him everyday.   Can you imagine what it was like seeing someone you really loved and cared for, in a bed, on a ventilator and with a feeding tube since he couldn't eat or swallow in his condition?   Can you imagine what it was like to see him stare at you with a blank look?   Can you imagine what it was like to miss four Christmas Days and Thanksgiving Days not being able to be with your family eating turkey?   I am sure you that you can't imagine all this, not unless you were living it yourself.

Bonnie and Dave with Shawn in Hospital

Shawn couldn't ask for your help, so I was doing it for him through this web page.   Shawn always helped others where and when he could.   Then he needed help himself, but no once could give him the help that he needed.   Many times I felt that I was egoistic praying for him to live and come back in any way he could.   So I must confess that there were times when I prayed God to do what He thought fit, but whatever it was, to make sure that Shawn did not suffer anymore.   For all we know, Shawn could have been in real pain, but could not express his pain!   He could have been understanding all that was happening, but could not respond to it.   He could have been wishing for his spirit to be free and out of pain!   So yes, I did pray God to stop him suffering, also on the night he died.   And believe or not, 30 minutes before Shawn died, I prayed that he would be able to rest.

It seemed that God kept him alive till someone finally prayed for Shawn to rest from what he was going through, and for God to look after him.   It seems that my prayers were heard, and now Shawn is no longer suffering.   Every time I think of Shawn now, I see his smiling face and his happiness.   It seems that wherever Shawn is now, he is very happy, out of pain and always smiling.

Shawn, its a bit difficult for me to come and put flowers and candles on your grave, so I am going to put a candle and a red rose on this web page.   This is until the time, when I can come and put flowers on your grave and have that long chat that I always hoped that I would be able to have with you.

On behalf of Shawn, his family and on my behalf, I would like to thank you all for having read this page and also for your help in circulating it.   Building this web site has made me get closer to Shawn and his family, despite the fact that I have never met them in person, yet.   We had our plans.   Plans to meet over the first Christmas that Shawn would have spend at home again!   Now, it will never happen.

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Updated February 28th, 2000
© Martin J. Cefai