Hey come on, everyone likes traffic to their webpage so I made a banners page for people to post these onto their page. Here's a varioty of banners to choose from. Oh, and on the HTML tags dont forget to remove the * when you post it on your webpage. The ones below are not thumbnails but the HTML code that you post on your page will be.
<*A HREF="/hollywood/picture/8620/index.html"><*IMG SRC ="/hollywood/picture/8620/fancyban.jpg">
<*A HREF="/hollywood/picture/8620/index.html"><*IMG SRC ="/hollywood/picture/8620/redban.jpg">
<*A HREF="/hollywood/picture/8620/index.html"><*IMG SRC ="/hollywood/picture/8620/ban2.jpg">
<*A HREF="/hollywood/picture/8620/index.html"><*IMG SRC ="/hollywood/picture/8620/ban.jpg">
<*A HREF="/hollywood/picture/8620/index.html"><*IMG SRC ="/hollywood/picture/8620/ban3.jpg">
<*A HREF="/hollywood/picture/8620/index.html"><*IMG SRC ="/hollywood/picture/8620/dare.jpg">
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