"One's a warrior. One's a wise ass."

Guilty Viewing Pleasures: Showdown in Little Tokyo

Guilty Viewing Pleasures: Showdown in Little Tokyo

Guilty Viewing Pleasures: Showdown in Little Tokyo

Guilty Viewing Pleasures: Showdown in Little Tokyo

Guilty Viewing Pleasures: Showdown in Little Tokyo

Genre: Wacky Martial Arts

  • Dolph Lundgren as Kenner
  • Brandon Lee as Johnny Murata
  • Tia Carrere as Minako
  • Cary Hiroyuki Tagawa as Yoshida
  • Renee Griffin as Angel

Plot Synopsis:

Renegade cop, Kenner, pairs with equally renegade cop, Johnny Murata, to kick some serious yakuza ass in Los Angeles' Little Tokyo district.

Favorite Moments:

  • Dolph Lundgren, beating up five yakuza baddies while drinking his morning tea, pinkie properly extended.
  • Brandon Lee, as the Asian Task Force cop ignorant of his Japanese heritage. Hmm, isn't Brandon half-Chinese?
  • Tia Carrere, with my favorite get-Dolph-Lundgren-into-bed line: "Do you hog the sheets?" "Brought my own!"
  • Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa, covered with nifty yakuza tatoos. Check out the scene where he haughtily rejects the sacrificial pinkie...

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