Hollywood's Original Annexation Site !

This site is a brief detailed example of what will benefit the Town of Hollywood by being annexed into Scottsboro.

  1. 24 Hour, 7 day a week Fire Dept. and Police Dept. Protection.
  2. Improved Water and Sewer Depts.
  3. Animal Control.(a service which Hollywood does not currently have)
  4. Litter Control. (a service which Hollywood does not currently have)
  5. Increased Property Value for Land and Home Owners.
  6. More prosperous economic future for the region of Hollywood as well as Clean up & Beautification of the region will be promoted.
  7. Street Maintanence Dept. (a service which Hollywood does not currently have)
  8. Park and Recreation Dept. upgrade and finalization of long awaited Town Park. (a project in the waiting for over 10 years)
  9. Senior Citizen Center.(a service which Hollywood does not currently have)
  10. Recreational Activities (Example -- numerous athletic teams, walking trail and a possible swimming pool) provided for children and adults within the community.

****No Tuition Charges for Children WANTING to attend Scottsboro Schools and Busing for those Living in the City Limits!****

Taking a closer look at the education aspect of this debate, one should ask themselves the following questions.

  1. Should a child attend a school based upon past community attendance?
  2. Should a child attend a school based soley on family members previous attendance at the school?
  3. OR

  4. Should a child attend a school that offers them increased opportunity in all academic curriculum?
  5. Should a child attend a school that offers more in the area of extra curricular activities?(In the area of sports: golf, baseball, basketball, football, track and field, wrestling, swimming and cheerleading are all possible in the proposed merger) Children would also be able to participate in various enrichment activities that include: band, chorus, art, drama, clubs, newspapers and computer classes/labs.

When faced with these questions, how can one possibly deny a child placed in today's society the opportunity for the best education obtainable. WE BELIEVE THAT IF YOU WILL STAND AT THE INTERSECTION OF HWY 72 AND BELLEFONTE AVE. AND GLANCE IN EITHER DIRECTION (RIGHT OR LEFT) YOU WILL SEE A ROAD OF OPPORTUNITY FOR ALL THE CHILDREN IN THE AREA.

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Please note: Any form of profanity or slander will be disgarded and dismissed from this guestbook due to the legal ramifications that could arise.

disclaimer: This site is an opinionated site in the favor of Hollywood being annexed into the City of Scottsboro. Anything on this site does not intend to persuade any individuals into believing one way or another. This site is just a brief explanation of what would come out of the annexation between the two towns.

For the latest and most up to date information regarding the merger of the two cities please keep looking at the local newspapers and local news channel broadcasts.

Last updated on July 24, 2002


Any individuals against the annexation of Hollywood and Scottsboro should take their questions and concerns to the Jackson County School Board. The Town of Hollywood and its elected officials would have nothing to do with the closing of the Hollywood School. The decision for the Hollywood School to remain open or become closed is solely up to the Jackson County School Board.
