High-Order Multiples:
Research Bibliography

This site will provide a comprehensive, annotated bibliography of research related to high-order multiples (triplets, quadruplets, and more). Topics will include infant attachment, motor and cognitive development, and psychosocial effects on the family. Because research on higher-order multiples is still in its infancy, other relevant research articles on infant development and twins will also be included.

Infant Attachment: Twins and Higher-Order Multiples

Anderson, A., and B. Anderson. "Toward a substantive theory of mother-twin attachment." American Journal of Maternal Child Nursing 15, n. 6 (Nov/Dec 1990): 373-377.

Colpin, H., A. De Munter, K. Nys, and L. Vandemeulebroecke, "Prenatal attachment in future parents of twins," Early Development & Parenting Vol. 7, n. 4 (Dec 1998): 223-227.

Finkel, D., D.E. Wille, and A.P. Matheny, "Preliminary results from a twin study of infant-caregiver attachment," Behavior Genetics Vol. 28, n. 1 (Jan 1998): 1-8.

Garel, M., E. Chavanne, and B. Blondel. "Two-Year Follow-up Study of Triplets: Their Development and the Mother-Child Relationship." Archives de Pediatrie 1, no. 9 (Sep 1994): 806-812. (In French)

Garel, M., E. Chavanne, and B. Blondel. "Follow-Up Study of Mothers of Triplets: Assessment 2 Years After Delivery." Contraception Fertilite Sexualite 22, n. 6 (Jun 1994): 414-417. (In French)

Gottfried, N.W., B.M. Seay, and E. Leake, "Attachment relationships in infant twins: The effect of co-twin presence during separation from mother," Journal Of Genetic Psychology Vol. 155, n. 3 (Sep 1994): 273-281.
From the text: "The patterns in all of the conditions support the idea that twins provide substantial security to their co-twin partners. However, soothing and comforting were solicited from and tendered by adult attachment figures only. Our young twins did not turn to each other when they were highly distressed. Determination of the maturity level required for same-age peers to serve as comforter-soothers in a novel and bizarre environment is a question for further investigation."

Hinshaw-Fuselier, S., N.W. Boris, and C.H. Zeanah, "Reactive attachment disorder in maltreated twins," Infant Mental Health Journal Vol. 20, n. 1 (Spring 1999): 42-59.

Holditch-Davis, D., D. Roberts, and M. Sandelowski. "Early Parental Interactions With and Perceptions of Multiple Birth Infants." Journal of Advanced Nursing 30, n. 1 (July 1999): 200-210.
From the Abstract: Although there were few differences in care-giving and interactive behaviours between the multiple birth and singleton parents, the logistics of caring for more than one infant dictated that multiple birth infants were left alone more and looked at, talked to and held less often. Couples used different strategies to care for their infants, varying in both the extent to which they interacted preferentially with the infants and in the relative involvement of the mother, father and others.

Menzel, B. and D. Rotnem. "Multiple Birth and its Influence on the Mothering Experience: A Case Study of Parent Infant Psychotherapy with Quadruplets." Infant Mental Health Journal 11, n. 1 (Spring 1990): 26-36.

Robin, M., M. Bydlowski, F. Cahen, and D. Josse. "Maternal Reactions to the Birth of Triplets." Acta Geneticae Medicae et Gemellologiae 40, n. 1 (1991): 41-51.

Rosen, K.S., and P.B. Burke, "Multiple attachment relationships within families: Mothers and fathers with two young children." Developmental Psychology Vol. 35, N. 2 (March 1999): 436-444.

Troy, N.W. "The Time of First Holding of the Infant and Maternal Self-Esteem Related to Feelings of Maternal Attachment," Women and Health 22, n. 3 (1995): 59-72.

Wille, D.E. "Relation of Preterm Birth with Quality of Infant-Mother Attachment at One Year." Infant Behavior and Development 14, n. 2 (Apr 1991): 227-240.

Articles on Family Size

Articles on Family Support

Articles on Cognitive Development

© hombiblio, e-mail hombiblio@NO.SPAM.yahoo.com
Created 25 June 2001 / Updated 10 June 2006