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Welcome to Home Hopes

Home Hopes is our attempt to help us get a new house. You see, we are a family of five living in conditions that are better suited for a family of three. We want the American dream of owning our own home, and it is our hopes that with the generous and grateful help of others our dream can become a reality.

Please feel free to browse the site and learn more about us, and if you can find it in your heart to help us make our dream come true, donate. It doesn't have to be alot- even a dollar can go a long way! And, any donations made to us will be recognized on our Gratitude page.

We now have a guestbook. Please click on the guestbook link below and let us know that you stopped by. And I've also added a new section to the website, WEBDESIGN. If you'd like a custom sig tag or webset, please check it out.


Free Guestbook from Bravenet.com Free Guestbook from Bravenet.com
