Here's some info we were sent by E-mail:
Hello.. I saw your web site and wanted to share something. I just got done
with my ATV I built. For the steel, I go to the local steel scrapyard! All
the tubing, angle iron, round and square stock only costed me about
15.00. The bad part is, you have to clean it before welding!

The fenders I have are from the top rim of two rubbermaid 45gal.
garbage cans(painted red of course). the gas tank is from a motorcycle wrecking
yard($5.00). The most expensive part was the Honda ATC110 motor and
rear axle. It was 125.00 for both on The tires were pretty spendy
too! has awsome prices for atv tires(walmart/sams club
The flexable cover over the steering shaft is an old air duct from a
1987 Tempo.

Just thought I might want to share the info where some good prices are
at! My atv looked real close to yours until I put on the fenders and gas
tank. I'll let people know about your site. The plans are really nice to
have, and the disclaimer was a really good idea! Got to go... have fun riding!