|| Espaņol ||

Homero Gil de Zuniga Navajas is an assistant professor in the School of Journalism at the University of Texas - Austin. His research interests revolve around new media, the Internet in particular, and its influence in three distinct realms: 1) Internet and everyday life, 2) Internet and political/civic engagement and 3) Internet and its intersection with distinct circles of geo-identities in the European context.

He has published articles illustrating this research framework in a diverse number of peer-reviewed journals such as Webology, Communication Research, IT & Society, Mass Communication & Society, Binaria or Human Communication Research. He is an editorial board member for the Journal of Information Technology & Politics and also serves as a manuscript reviewer for New Media & Society and Textos de la Cibersociedad.

Gil de Zuniga teaches classes in new media, political communication and quantitative research methods.

Current Projects

- Deciphering the blogosphere -> Investigating the dimension of the relationship between blog use and citizen mobilization. The project is threefold: