Welcome to Honey I'm Home's Guestbook!

Peeking to see who's been here huh?

Christy - 07/17/00 09:51:00
My URL:http://www.theXpages.com
My Email:christy@theXpages.com
Where Do You Live?: California
Do You Travel?: Yessss!!!
hey! very sweet looking page you have here! i love the pics and the content, well hope you update it soon and i have it bookmarked of course! =), well if you have time check out my site too and if u like it please book it and check back for updates! ok take cares and have fun! christy

I_sell_rvs@rvs.Yahoo.com - 03/18/00 02:06:14
My Email:I_sell_rvs
Where Do You Live?: Western New York
Do You Travel?: sometimes!
thought I would check out your page just surfing the net and I also have two doga and love to camp and I sell rvs so what the hell looked at your web page have a good day!!

My URL:http://www.oocities.org/SunsetStrip/Set/3881/
Where Do You Live?: GOD BLESS AMERICA!

Nice Site! Thanks ! MUGSHOTS OF THE RICH AND FAMOUS-Police Mugshots of the Famous-KEANU REEVES,JANIS JOPLIN,DavidCrosby,GeorgeCarlin,Hopper, Gates,ZsaZsa,Tyson,Rodman,PeeWee,Pippin,Jagger,Tommy Lee,SnoopDoggy,Manson,ELVIS,FONDA,Many,Many,More!!!

- 03/09/00 02:15:21
Do You Travel?: Uhm, yes, but I'm lost.
Ok, I am lost here in Canada. I really would like to go home. Can someone tell me way that is?? I'm sorry I'm a dumb A** American. Help. Pleeeaaassee?

uglypup - 03/09/00 02:10:16
My Email:uglypup@hotmail.com
Where Do You Live?: Depends on the day
Do You Travel?: As fast as I can at all times in whatever is running that day!
Live the dream!!

bikebaja - 02/26/00 16:24:12
My URL:http://johnnielacy.com
My Email:j.lacy@bigfoot.com
Where Do You Live?: foothills of North Georgia
Do You Travel?: yes mostly by bicycle

Just stoped by checking on our wonderful liaison. hope all is well. It is like spring here, so I'm out the door to go riding.

Nicole - 02/22/00 00:58:55
My Email:nik_308
Where Do You Live?: Canada
Your web page was the best I've seen. I'm glad you're making the most of life. I love dogs myself, my husband and I have a Chocolate Labrador named Zeus. Good work on your web page. I have to go put a fire on it's absolutely freazing in Canada. bye!!!! !!!!!

Wayne - 01/22/00 16:34:55
My URL:http://www.blythe.net/bbbait/
My Email:bbbait@webtv.net
Where Do You Live?: Blythe, CA
Do You Travel?: Every chance I get.
Let's go to Baja and get drunk!

honeyimhome - 01/22/00 08:03:31
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Baja/Dunes/7090/baja/bajaleaders.html
My Email:honeyimhome@oocities.com
Where Do You Live?: The desert
Do You Travel?: Yep!

Baja Volunteer Leaders

nick - 01/06/00 09:22:32
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/um_pa_lumpa
My Email:um_pa_lumpa@yahoo.com
Where Do You Live?: no where special or exciting for that matter, CT
Do You Travel?: not as much as i would like too
yeah, i just wrote a thing in here, but it messed up and didnt go through, i have horrible luck with these address books, oh yes, i am the one that was asking about the book in the chat room, but you'll be happy to know, that i got if working!!! i did wha you said and changed the final address thing and it worked good, so thanks a bunch, the site i put in the url thing, is my other site that i've had for some time, i had a little problem with that when i accidentally deleted my index.html file! aahhh, but i had a older saved one of it, so i used that, so its not quite up to date but i wil eventually fix it, oh well, thanks again, see ya... later... oh yeah, i checked our most of your site, and enjoyed it very much, what you've done in your life reminds me of what i would like to do in mine, i dont wanna be stuck in one place i want to go where the music takes me, prefrably alaska, thats always been dream of mine, to go there, maybe some day, when me and my "witch"(haha, i think i understood the meaning of what you were getting at with that)when/if we get married some day, maybe well pack it up and take a trip there, that would be cool, ok, gots to o, see ya... later...

Susan - 12/28/99 19:32:54
My Email:msbochan@sheltonbbs.com
Where Do You Live?: Right now Missouri
Do You Travel?: Full-time RV
We're ususlly in an area 2-3 months. We've been in 7 states this year. I want to get my web page started. I figure it'll take a bunch of bumping along but it'll be something I'll feel like I've accomplished. Most likely I'll be screaming Help! So just hum r me.

Brownie Dog - 12/20/99 12:39:26
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Petsbugh/1016
My Email:kookoomom4@yahoo.com
Where Do You Live?: Southern California Desert
Do You Travel?: Every time I get out the door!
Oh most wonderful guestbook meister! Thanks for the help with fixing my guestbook. With my four paws and the feet that those darn KooKoo Birds have, none of us could figure out how to fix it. Guess our "feet" just kept getting in the way! Thanks again

an admirer - 12/19/99 01:45:45
Where Do You Live?: doesn't matter
Do You Travel?: I will for you!
Loved your page! Wow, do you sound interesting! I'll buy the oceanfront property if you live next door.

KooKooMom - 12/18/99 19:56:30
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Baja/Mesa/9900
My Email:kookoomom4@yahoo.com
Where Do You Live?: South. CA desert
Do You Travel?: as much as possible!
Love the changes you made to your homepage!

test - 12/12/99 15:52:29

zev - 11/23/99 07:13:08
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Yosemite/Cabin/7180/
My Email:zevuniversal@oocities.com
Where Do You Live?: northern CA
Do You Travel?: not much now, but may do the wandering RVer thing in my senescence

i've seen you around on the boards and in the help clubs. can't imagine why i never got here to your website before now, but i'm GLAD i did. i like your sense of humour. i'll have one order of road kill with a lot of barbeque sauce and a pitcher of margar tas.

i've always been rather fascinated by the desert. have had a couple of interesting vacations in Death Valley. i'm NOT allergic to creosote bush and the older i get the more i dislike the cold. maybe i'll pack it up and move down to the Mojave one of these days, maybe a nice little bungalow in Trona...

Great site!

hey, now that you've replaced most of the moving parts in your 78 RV, why would you want to get rid of it?


Sue Krom - 09/28/99 22:14:36
My Email:suekrom@mediaone.net
Where Do You Live?: Holyoke, MA
Do You Travel?: Yes
You are amazing how you handle your RV. Dry that thing like a true cowgirl.

Nancy - 08/14/99 03:50:28
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Nashville/2118/index.html
My Email:Nanton@atlantic.net
Where Do You Live?: Florida
Do You Travel?: yes
Told you I would make sure you got a special gift for helping me out this week. Thank you
Random Act of Kindness

Nancy - 08/12/99 03:45:22
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Petsburgh/Haven/9213
My Email:Nanton@atlantic.net
Where Do You Live?: Florida
Do You Travel?: When we get a chance
Thank you for all your help, I just wanted to give you my web site, we spoke so much of my husbands web iste and changing his address, I just felt maybe you wanted to go visit mine!!! Learned alot from your web site, you travel and have show dogs? WOW!! ust be exciting!! My baby should of been a show dog, more people have told me that, if you go to my site you will see for yourself. Have a wonderful day!!

Horsetail - 08/08/99 17:48:34
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Paris/6920
The Purple Toothbrush Brigade
We Got the Spirit
Yes we Do
We got the Spirit
How about You?

GeoCities Community Leaders
Neighbors helping Neighbors

Marianne - 06/16/99 14:14:36
My Email:snick@gsinet.net
Where Do You Live?: Weare????
Do You Travel?: Sure do
Nice job!!! Very funny

Chris - 06/09/99 00:18:37
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Petsburgh/1042
My Email:clcritter@raex.com
Where Do You Live?: Ohio
Do You Travel?: Yes
Hello Barb, Thought I would stop by your site to see how it was coming.

- 06/06/99 08:09:00

bryanne and Alice - 06/06/99 08:08:33
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Petsburgh/Zoo/6331/
My Email:calderstone@mediaone.net
Where Do You Live?: Weare. NH
Do You Travel?: All the time gettin' nowhere
Whoa...Wanna take a trip with me? LOL

bryanne and Alice - 06/06/99 08:06:23
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Petsburgh/Zoo/6331/
My Email:calderstone@mediaone.net
Where Do You Live?: Weare. NH
Do You Travel?: All the time gettin' nowhere
Whoa...Wanna take a trip with me? LOL

bryanne and Alice - 06/06/99 08:06:09
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Petsburgh/Zoo/6331/
My Email:calderstone@mediaone.net
Where Do You Live?: Weare. NH
Do You Travel?: All the time gettin' nowhere
Whoa...Wanna take a trip with me? LOL

Petrus Bin Kasdi - 05/06/99 09:39:50
My URL:http://www.dnet.net.id/personal/bratalux
My Email:bratalux@dnet.net.id
Where Do You Live?: Jakarta - Indonesia
Do You Travel?: Sometimes
Hi Honeyimhome, I'm really impressed by your homepage, wish someday I would be able to make one like yours. Regards, Petrus Bin Kasdi

George Vamvakoussis - 04/25/99 16:54:56
My URL:http://www.alcolor.com
My Email:george@alcolor.com
Where Do You Live?: Athens Greece
Do You Travel?: Yes
Congratulations for your site Mine is only professional, but my real intersts are Good company, Skiing, Mountain Biking, Aerobic , Theater, Movies, Dancing Ciao

C S - 04/08/99 02:54:23
Where Do You Live?: Buda TX (outside Austin)
Do You Travel?: as often as possible!
Nice page, love the name. Just visiting you from my desk....

- 04/03/99 22:08:35

Pat - 04/03/99 20:50:13
My Email:nodntap@earthlink.net
Where Do You Live?: Lancaster,cal
Do You Travel?: just in my head
Love your sight and the music that goes with it. Wish hubby liked to travel and would love to.

Pat - 04/03/99 20:47:24

Suzan - 03/16/99 16:17:36
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Heartland/Oaks/6258/index.html
My Email:SuzanHuniBuni@yahoo.com
Where Do You Live?: So. California
Do You Travel?: Used to, now my hubby is housebound
Your page is awesome!!! I arrived in Geocities this week because I wanted to put my photo on the web. Now I am in geocities more than I am in AOL or Yahoo! It was so exciting to get my homepage online, then I saw yours and a couple of other people's an boy do I feel lame! :o) At least it doesn't say I haven't moved in yet! Your poem is very cute. I have a min pin named Jodi and a cat named Max. After seeing Jodi use the doggy door Max has learned how to use it. If you could tell me how to check m email in geocities I would really appreciate it. I'm thinking of getting rid of it because I can't find it! I sent myself a greeting card to my geocities mail hoping something would pop up telling me I had mail. Your kids are very cute! I have a 13yr ld boy. We lived in Germany while my husband was in the military, I sure miss the travel. Hey! This is turning into more of a letter than comments! Your homepage has given me incentive to improve mine!

Bob Everson - 03/08/99 21:15:40
My Email:roberteverson@hotmail.com
Where Do You Live?: Mass. in summer, Puerto Rico in winter
Do You Travel?: Yes
iI have sailed th Caibbean in my 36ft Ketch "THOR" from 1988 to 1995. I have adventures galore, as I visited all the islands to South America.

Linda - 03/07/99 19:13:04
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Heartland/Meadows/1844
My Email:kimikent@mail.snider.net
Where Do You Live?: AR
Do You Travel?: yes
Just wanted to tell you that I loved the music on your page....and thought it was adorable how your little doggies kept time to the music....watched them for several minutes with a huge smile...Linda

Pietro - 03/04/99 01:26:42
My Email:pcianciarullo@hotmail.com
Where Do You Live?: São Paulo/ Brazil
Do You Travel?: Yes

Don - 03/01/99 14:48:29
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Baja/Cliffs/1319/dodge/html
My Email:dodgetk@hotmail.com
Where Do You Live?: Ne Pennsylvania
Do You Travel?: yes a little
i liked your page

hawgrider - 02/26/99 01:31:04
Where Do You Live?: on the back of my 1970 harley davidson
Do You Travel?: betcha

Rare KooKoo Bird - 02/21/99 13:25:30
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Baja/Mesa/9900
My Email:kookoo42@hotmail.com
Where Do You Live?: In the California Desert
Do You Travel?: Not much -- but I run fast!!
I like your motor home. I could use that for the hubby KooKoo Bird and all the little KooKoos we have. Can I use it sometime??

Amy Wood - 02/19/99 04:19:33
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Petsburgh/1053
My Email:amywood@frontiernet.net
Where Do You Live?: Iowa
Do You Travel?: as much as I can!
Hi Barbi! I enjoyed your page here and reading about your adventures!!! Sounds like it is always an adventure when you wander out in your mobile home!! Neat old cars you two own too. Anyway, we miss ya in Petsburgh already-- give your Dobe's a big fat kiss from me!! *hugs*

Paul - 01/18/99 19:36:56
My URL:http://homepages.enterprise.net/pvd
My Email:pvd@enterprise.net
Where Do You Live?: Berkshire UK
Do You Travel?: Yes
Great page have a look at my other pages on Enterprise site . Speak to you all soon Paul & Elaine, Rebecca & James.

Johnnie - 01/16/99 14:17:10
My URL:http://oocities.com/Baja/Trails/4309
My Email:bikebaja@oocities.com
Where Do You Live?: back woods of north Georgia
Do You Travel?: over 30 miles per week on my bicycle
Love the cars. the stock 55 is my favorite

RoadWarrior - 01/08/99 20:44:54
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/~carwars
My Email:carwars@oocities.com
Where Do You Live?: Green River, WY
Do You Travel?: Nope :(
Great lookig page! Lots of cars...but no dogs?!?! You should at least have a picture of your dobes sitting in one of the cars, going for a ride :) Maybe even one of them driving!

Wrenchturner - 01/08/99 03:14:14
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/~wrenchturner
My Email:wrenchturner@oocities.com
Where Do You Live?: In Geocities main server!
Do You Travel?: Yeah, but just from burb to burb!
WOW! Love the page sweety!! Come on over to MotorCity and I'll show ya how big the backseat of my hotrod is! ROFL!

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