I would just like to say that these

people are some of the best people I know...

Everyone of you have helped me through rough times...

You know who you are and what you've done...

A Heartfelt Thank You to Each of You...

Jama, Yama, Jamie...whatever the hell

you're going by this week...I love you.

You're the best friend I've ever had,

the sister I never wanted, my partner in crime.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!

Oh yeah, the cop too!!!

Billy boi...Willy-O...hell, you've got a lotta names...

you've done so many things for me...

but mostly you keep me centered & balanced

IE: You calm me down when I have an ass attack!!

(And piss me off with your political opinions!)

Ja Nay Nay...all I can say to you girl is

I'm glad you're in medic school!!

You'll be a great one!! Love ya!

Dana Dana Dana...I'm so proud of you.

You've come a long way!!


Even though you're married now

and I worry about your sanity....

ya know I love ya anyway...

All of you have made me who I am...scary huh?

I love ya'll...please take care....
