Family and friends...
This page is dedicated to the memory of my grandmother,
Evelyne Neal, whose favorite flower was the pansy.
These are my parents!!!
This is Terry and I with my grandmother...
Mike's kids...
Number 2 brother,
Tim, and his better half, Jan...
My favorite men...
seated: Greg.
Standing L-R: Terry, Tim, Mike, Bill, Dad, Dave.
The whole fam damily!!!
Are ya ready, there will be a quiz later!
front row L-R: Elizabeth, Theresa, Derek,
Jan, Kate, Dave, Carol.
back row L- R: Terry, Bill, Julie, Dad,
Mom, Greg, Tim, Mike.
(What a mouthful...and a table full at holidays!!!)
Kenny and I!!
My best friend and her "other" half!!
This is their puppy...Dakota....