Jade Harris is 9 years old, and suffers from First Arch Syndrome and Hemifacial Microtia(right side).
This page covers many subjects involving rare and genetic medical conditions. It has excellent references many via e-mail. It covers Jade Harris and her ordeals and results of operations, above are pictures taken of Jade at Great Ormond Street Hospital. Throughout you will see pictures of her up to the present date. We can cover conditions including, but not restricted to, First Arch Syndrome, Goldenhar, Treacher Collins, Hemifacial Microcia, Brancial Arch Syndrome and many more.
Jade is due to have her ear rebuilt and although Great Ormond Street doctors are fantastic there is not a doctor available there who can do this work, because of this we are looking for another hospital to take on this intricate and important operation (whilst reducing the amount). Jade has 40% hearing in her ‘little ear’.
Jade is hoping to have her ear rebuilt this year or the beginning of next. If you can help Jade in any way either by donations or to share your experiences please Contact Us
Site design by Michael Ferry