I thank God for the nurses who cared for me when Hope was born. Laura, Kathy and Linda, you have touched my heart.
The Nurse Beside You
by Kathy Krchmar
The Nurse beside You...                                     The Nurse beside You...
     can't believe her ears                                          put you on the monitor
     when she takes the doctor's call                           and searches for the heartbeat,
     Someone is coming in who has had                      holding her breath,
     their worst fear confirmed:                                 asking the Dr. to search,
               No heart beat...                                       knowing withing herself
                                                                            her worst fear confirmed:
                                                                                     No heart beat...

                                           The Nurse beside You...
                                                     searches herself;
                                                     thinking:not again.
                                                     Why does this happen??
                                                     We don't understand this..
                                                     Dear God, help these precious people...

                                           The Nurse beside You...
                                                     has taken classes, read books,
                                                     and answered questions
                                                     but each time feels the pain anew with you.

                                            The Nurse beside You...
                                                     follows the doctor's orders,
                                                     fills out paperwork,
                                                     takes the pictures,
                                                     helping you move through
                                                     the medical chapter of this story.
                                             The Nurse beside You...
                                                     she tries to hold your jand,
                                                     encourage you to share your feelings,
                                                     gives you comfort measures,
                                                     knowing you are numb inside.

                                             The Nurse beside You...
                                                     encourages you to shake your fist
                                                     at your God
                                                     or hold His hand,
                                                     but not turn your back on Him.

                                              The Nurse beside You...
                                                     gives you a memory box
                                                     and speaks of closure
                                                     knowing you have touched
                                                     her heart forever.

                                                    (copyright K. K. 2000)
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