Freaky Phobias
Ash: Hey look at that. What's that on the ground?
Brock: It's a book- of phobias!
Misty: A book of phobias?
Ash: Wierd! *Flips through* Look. Here's Atychaphobia- fear of failing.
Misty: Gee, who do I know who has that?
Ash: I just want to succeed and be better than Gary. I'm not AFRAID to lose. Hmph.
Brock: Here's Calignapobia, fear of pretty women! How ridiculous.
Misty: Know what's MORE ridiculous? Anuptaphobia- fear of staying single. Now WHO has that?
Brock: Er...
Ash: Well lookie here. Insectaphobia, fear of bugs.
Misty: So I hate bugs! What's wrong with that. At least I'm not as messed up as people with Phobophobia. They have fear of phobias!
Ash: Or people with Blennophobia- fear of slime!
Brock: Or people with Hipopotomonstrequippdaliophobia. Fear of long words!
Ash: Or people with Anglophobia. Fear of England and English people.
Gemma: *Storms in* Anglophobia!?
Misty: Who are you???
Gemma: Not important. How could someone be afraid of the English. We're normal people! NORMAL! The SAME AS YOU! How can you be scared. Blah blah blah... *gets pushed off by Ash*
Ali: I have Hithabarreaphobia.
All: What?
Ali: Hithabaraphobia. Hit-the-barre-a-phobia. It's when in ballet class you to a pirroutte at the barre and are afraid to hit it! ^_~
All: *Groan*
Misty: Are you supposed to be here?
Ali: Um...
Ash: You gotta go write the story! YOU'RE the author!
Misty: Where's Brock?
Brock: *mumbling* I'm not Anuptaphobic...I'm not Anuptaphobic...I'm not Anuptaphobic...I'm not Anuptaphobic...
Jessie: Prepare for trouble!
James: Make it double!
Ash: C'mon, just leave!
J+J: Not without Pikachu! *Throw net but catch Phobia book instead. Fly away without noticing*
Jessie: We finally got Pikachu.
James: Sorry to burst your bubble, but we got a phobia book instead!
Jessie: WHAAAT?!
Meowth: Look,  Ailuraphobia, fear of cats. And Amychophobia- fear of scratches and being scratched. How ridiculous!!!
Jessie: *grabs it* Lemme see! Atychaphobia- fear of failing.
James: Do you think we have that?
Jessie: I dunno! Is there a cure?
James: Not one listed in this book!
Jessie: What are we gonna do???
Meowth: *sigh* Maybe you have Kleptophobia, fear of stealing.
Both: Nonsense!
Meowth: Or Zenniphobia.
Both: What's that?
Jessie: TELL ME! I bet you I have it and now I'll die!
Meowth: Nope.
*Big fight, book falls out of ballon*
Jess: Imbossile!
James: Now we'll never know.
Brock: I'm not Anuptaphobic...I'm not Anuptaphobic...I'm not Anuptaphobic... *book falls and hits him on head*
Brock: OW! Hey look, a notice. 'Not all slight fears of things are phobias. Do not panic if you believe to have one.'
All: Oh great.
Brock: At lest I'm not Zenniphobic! Fear of the Great Mole Rat!
Jessie: I'm not Zenniphobic...I'm not Zenniphobic...I'm not Zenniphobic... I'm not Zenniphobic...

Authors note: Sorry to offend anyone with any of these phobias! Please no flames! Take my humble appology!