Story #1
Part One
       It started off with just a cough. James had been coughing and feeling weak for the past week or so.
"It's just a cough," Meowth said, "and you're just feeling weak from all the work.
"That can't be ture if you're not WORKING!" Jesse called up from the hole she was digging. Immediately she regreted she said it. She didn't mean it. When ever she looked into his green eyes, they were glassy and dull. Usually, he had shiny eyes, full of wonderous life. Now they were like two dark clouds hanging over a medow. James was sick, no doubt about it.
       James climbed weakly into the hole. He picked up his shovel and took a blow at the dirt. His knees collapsed out from under him.
"James? Are you alright?" Jesse asked.
"Fine" He replied weakly. He got back up to his feet. He struck the dirt again, this time falling backwards. He got up and took a softer swing. He didn't fall, but he was in pain. He kept digging and digging, sweat appearing on his forhead.
"Stop." Jesse said but he didn't.
"Stop James." She said again. He kept digging and digging.
"Stop!" She yelled and he dropped his shovel. He tuned to her. His eyes were dim and lifeless and he was very pale.
"Why don't you go rest inside our cave." She told him, putting her hand on his shoulder. Jesse scrambled to the top of the deep hole. James was slowly climbing up as well. She looked down at him with concern. Each step he took was like fighting a war for him, but his will was strong and he eventually made it to the top. Jesse put her arm around his waist and helped him over. Meowth laid  a blanket down for him and Jesse took hers and wrapped him in it. James layed down and closed his eyes slowly.
"We'll check on him later." Meowth said, tuning to a worried Jesse. They both went back to the hole they were digging. She wasn't thinking about capturing Pikachu, or the boss. All she could think of was James laying weakly in the cave. Meowth was looking at her, with a slight smile on his face.
"You're really worried about him, 'aint you?" He asked.
"None of your beeswax!" Jesse retorted.
Jessie was asleep that night when she was woken up by someone poking at her.
"Ugh! Dont you know I need my beauty sleep!" She exclaimed. She picked up a mirror.
"Oh! My beautiful face! I've got bags under my eyes!" She screeched while looking at herself.
"I think you better take a look at James." Meowth said. Meowth was the one who had woken her up and now she didn't care. She dropped the mirror and ran to where he lay. He was sweating and squirming in discomfort. She put her hand on his head. Sure enough, he was burning hot.
"Meowth, this is bad." Jesse said, turning to the worried cat.
"But what are we supposed to do?" He asked puzzled.
"Something." She replied confidently.
Click Arrow for Part Two