Information Center Topic: A Joke Told by Gurumayi

"Praise the Lord"

There was this farmer who had worked for so many years without desiring anything for himself. Finally one day he developed this urge to possess a horse. He struggled with himself to suppress this desire but did not succeed. He looked around for a horse, did not find one satisfactory, so went to the mountains to see the spiritual leader. To his surprise he saw a horse there. He asked the master if he could have that horse.

The master agreed to part with his horse, but told the farmer that the horse was a spiritual horse: To make the horse move ahead you say -- "thank god"; to get the horse gallop away you say -- "thank god, thank god"; to stop the horse you say "thank god, thank god, thank god".

The farmer took the horse, climbed it and said "thank god". After getting the hang of riding, he ordered "thank god, thank god". The horse took off in a pace he had never seen before. Soon to his horror he saw that they were approaching a precipice and he had forgotten the key words to stop the horse. He started to pray with all his heart and then finally he remembered the key words. When he finished uttering them they were standing only an inch away from the precipice. He was so happy and so very grateful to the lord that he looked up and uttered the incredible words: "..... ..."

This joke has been quoted from http://comedy

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