The first Lithotripter was produced by the German Aircraft manufacturer Dornier. The first patient was treated in a prototype machine called HM1 (Human Model 1) in February 1980 in Munich, Germany. Dornier launched the first commercially produced Lithotripter called HM 3 in 1984, which was subsequently approved by FDA. The results electrified the urology community worldwide, and many refused to believe them. The high-technological age had its impact on urology and the "shock waves" from Munich literally shook the entire urology community. This new technology was not a dream. It rapidly assumed a dominant position in the therapy of renal calculi. The lay press was suitably impressed by the Dornier Lithotripter HM-1 and the "Munich Stonebuster" captured the imagination of suffering patients with renal stones worldwide. In these models, the patient had to be lowered in a water tank. The electrodes used to get worn out every 200-300 shocks and the patient had to be taken out to change the electrode. Since then more than 4 million patients have been successfully treated worldwide with ESWL and more than 15 different Lithotripters are available.


                         Detailed Information about Lithotripsy is available in the following pages.

Introduction  ESWL Main Page   Mechanism Of Action 
 Indications   Advantages    Pre Requisites 
 Stone Localization   Method    Results 
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