(c.1996) The road down to the engineering sheds from the main sites. the flat area of grass perhaps having been a small sports field

(c.1996) The sheds as seen from the public road entrance to this part of the site, which was not often used due to security

(c.1996) A better view of the sheds from near the side gate, the large blue doors slide over each other to open up access to drive vehicles inside for storage and maintenance work

(c.1996) An internal view of one of the sheds, showing lower wall blue paint, rooms of at the end of the building, and the structure of the building

(c.1996) a view from inside the building of some of the sliding doors. this shed is probably the one closest in the third image

(c.1996) This is a poor image, but shows an area of probably the most used of the four buildings. these rooms shown were offices, store rooms (cage type construction), a bar/mess room also nearby. also in view are the large panel metal shelving units, lying on the floor

(c.1996) a view of probably an original entrance to this part of the site, blocked off for quite sometime after a rearrangement. to the left of this photo is a small seperate fenced off area, with nothing inside. The yellow concrete pyramids are to stop people parking in this area. off in the far distance is the fuel tank.

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