Welcome to the  House of Xile
Site News
mmmmm berries!
Good Bye all i have left xen for a while.  I'll miss you all (NOT NOT NOT!! do u think im crazy?? Well, I might miss a few of u.a VERY select few)
What can I say?I was hungry and the berries looked good.  I'd rather not try to digest those coffe beans =/

ATTENTION: I've goone mad!
yep umm hmm  i hear likkle voices in me head and then ze helicopters came......and ze men in white coaats.  **gasp**  and zey gave me little white candies.  **hic**  dem was da best candies eva. **hic** Except day made me head spin.  and hear i em neow
Wender Out
PiecE All
Created and maintained by Bishop and Sir Wander
My last piece of advice. 
take one of dem shon leaves, roll it up, and smoke it.
Getting In

To get in, you must be at least level 15, and approved by Xile. Acceptions can be made by Xile to let you on the link, but it rarely happens. It's a fairly small link compaired to some, so don't count to heavily on getting in.
Proud Moments
Message Board
Xile is gone for good. i hear hes been deleted by a hacker. Lou was controlling him, but lou was hacked as well. If you couldnt tell by wander's post, hes left, and apparently has been takin to his home by men in white coats. if he ever manages to escape these men and beat his drug addiction, im sure he'll return =P. Thanks for the good times everyone... the site will remain open, even though there is no purpose... as always, peace and gl.
Any Questions or Comments  Email Either Sir Wander, or Bishop.
Xenimus Home Page
Xenimus Message Board
I got the message board up... of course there arent many rooms or posts yet, but that will come in time. I got a lot of pics up in the Members section, and a few pics in pround moments. Which reminds me... in yer eye muffinMeiser!

I finally got the site up, although not much is here. Me and Wander will try to fix that though ^_^. This page is going to mostly be about Xile's link and whats happening with the people on there. We can't list eveyone because its a pretty big link, but still has limits on getting in, which can be seen under Getting In. thats all for now!

A new section has been added to the message board, Barter Room. You may be surprised what this link has to offer, and what we can offer for good items. I myself am looking for a good staff... Oh btw i would like to annoucne Wander is a slacker! lol jp
I'm Not A Slacker Ye Doof!  t's just that i have a lif, and you dont :P i've been busy.
BTW ALL:  Ive added a kewl pic. hehe check it out!