DJ Stubby acknowledges your presence

email DJ Stubby

My Xanga Crap
For my purposes, as I think others are doing, this Xanga thing will serve as an online journal...

aim express

Welcome to the world of DJ Stubby. This site is dedicated to entertainment. Most of the stuff you see will be created by myself but if you feel that you have something to offer this site, feel free to email me. If you have any suggestions or questions or maybe even a comment or two, email is always accepted. Flames and other unwanted mail will be visible to all should I get any.  

.......................................................................why?...............................................what if? you exhist? i exhist? my awareness of self only A.I.?................................................that is, am i aware of myself only because i am told that i am aware of myself? i the only one who really feels like an entity trapped in a body?'s really friggin windy right outside..............................................................did you forget about dre?............................................................i did.................................................

get a link to your web page - start your own web site - make yourself known - let people know what you really think - meet new people - be someone else - live