Cratermaker aka COB

One thing that that many people hear about is the CO2 "bomb". aka the cratermaker. aka the COB. It is simply an empty CO2 container that has been filled with your explosive of choice. The thing that the COB is most famous for, besides all the power packed into such a small container, is the deadly shrapnel it produces. I personally like to use HDPE film canisters in general. The plastic usually breaks into tiny pieces that cause little trouble. The COBs produce nice thick chunks of shrapnel - that's your sharp metal pieces - that pose a very serious health threat.

I don't usually use metals as a casing, but this is just something that I decided to show. I took an empty CO2 container and filled it about halfway with potassium chlorate and sugar - it's more powerful than you might think. Originally it was placed inside a tube (1/8 inch thick cardboard) but the fuse decided to go out - which I blame on the glue. Now after waiting quite a nice while to ensure that it was out, I retrieved the COB, emptied it, and refilled it, and fused it once more. Bear in mind that a fuse of considerable length was used to give ample retreat time and thus prevent injury.

So back out in the cold I went - it's nice and wintery here right now - for the second try. Now I don't suggest using any devices in your backyard, but I didn't feel like going anywhere in this cold. So I placed the COB in the snow right up against the tube. I lit the fuse (duh!) and slowly ambled away to a safer vantage point. Note: Ambling is not suggested unless you like metal in your ass. After hearing a nice boom, I went back to check on the victim. Well the cardboard tube was blown about 15 feet away and had a nice gash in it's side (see picture). The area where the cob had been was clear of snow, and I found one piece of the canister - the top. Now here's some pictures of that. And that white stuff - snow if you couldn't figure it out.

The gash in the side of the 1/8 inch thick cardboard tube.

Shot of the top of the tube.

Shot of the tube standing.

And finally the lone piece of shrapnel that I found.

Now that piece of shrapnel has about 6 extremely sharp points and you don't want to get hit by that. Just keep that in mind. It'll hurt like a bitch if it doesn't kill you.