Potassium Chlorate and Sugar Burning Mixture

What you'll need:

This is simply a mixture of potassium chlorate and table sugar (sucrose) mixed together in a 50:50 ration by weight. It is fairly powerful when confined.
But there is something more fun to be done with it. Use some sulfuric acid.

H2SO4 reacts with the chlorate and causes combustion. The reaction forms ClO2 (chlorine dioxide) which is an explosive gas. It decomposes to initiate ignition. The mixture burns with a purple colour to it. Here is a picture of the reaction, but the colour is a bit off. And yes, that is snow. We still have it in April.

And here's a picture of the aftermath. The beaker broke by itself and completely shattered when it was tapped afterwards. Other times, the beaker completely shattered during the reaction. Flying glass is a hazard, as pieces have been known to shoot out.


Potassium chlorate + sugar mix burning

Potassium chlorate + sugar mix in a container

Potassium chlorate + sugar salute