Life is stranger than fiction!
The things that have happened to me in the past year is definitely not in the normal range, but God has again seen fit to bring me through it all. We are not out of the clear yet, but my hope is in the Resurrection!!
Because He loves me.
And He loves you too. If He can love me just like I am, then guess what? You as well, are deeply loved and held dear in His heart!!
Yep YOU!!!
We always judge ourselves the worst of the lot but in the end He gets the final say so about it all!! Don't let mere mortals judge you or your efforts. Only the Father knows your heart and mine.
Remember that You Are Loved!!!
Right now, all I'm getting accomplished is the Christianity part! So please bear with me. The absolutely best thing here is Ron Greib's piece on the The Prodical Son. If you think you have this complete understanding of God's love, then I challenge you to read it. [grin] And get back with me on it!!
Naturally AND Spiritually!
About these links, they should be linkable if you run your mouse over them!! It's the icon images I'm working on... I can only do so much in a day! Thanks for understanding.
If you need to, you can contact me at: YouAreLoved
This is my NEW web page! I lost most of the old home address, so I changed my address all together and I am slowly rebuilding this one to mirror my wide array of interests, Christianity being just one of those, the main one though!! Cie la vie, to my old web page!! {Gotta be willing to change, don't we?!} We're off to new horizons!!
Did you know that each one of us are
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