
House of Austria


Edelweiss Restaurant
230  3rd Avenue, Chula Vista
(619) 426-5172
First and only Austrian Restaurant in San Diego! Featuring delicious Austrian specialties, occasionally entertainment, and divine desserts! Open Tue-Thu 11am-9pm, Fri 11am-10pm,
Sat 4-10pm, Sun 4-9pm.


Join us for Austrian Gemütlichkeit (and, good food) at our monthly informal get-togethers.  Meet fellow Austrians, Europeans, and friends and practice your mother tongue or foreign language skills.  We meet on the last Monday of each month from  6:00  to 9:00 PM, at Edelweiss Restaurant. 

Our next Stammtisch will be held on this month’s last Monday, starting at 6pm at Edelweiss Restaurant, 230  3rd Avenue, Chula Vista. For more information, please call Ilse at: (619) 479-7859.

Austrian Cultural Forum Day

Michael Bloomberg, Mayor of New York City, declared April 18 the Austrian Cultural Forum Day in honor of the newly opened Austrian Kulturinstitut on the corner of 52nd and Madison, built by Austrian architect Raimund Abraham within a 10 yeard period for 34 million Euros. The building has created lots of interest worldwide due to its unique structure: it is only 7m wide but 20 stories high.


An Afternoon of Austrian Culture, Music, Dance & Culinary Delights!

Join us on Sunday, September 22, when Austria hosts a colorful lawn program in Balboa Park. Austrian delicacies will be served all afternoon and from 2-3pm Austrian dances, music and culture will be performed on the stage of the International Cottages. For more info: (619) 479-7834.

Austrian news via Internet!
Are you missing listening to ORF news and programs? Go to: http://roi.orf.at/roi-bin/mdt/ondemand.cgi and listen to Ö1 News and various ORF programs (Kulturspiegel, Made in Austria, Bundesländermagazine, etc.) via the Internet!

Franz Dorninger
(760) 765-2279

Vice President
Traudl Stang

Erika Baier
(858) 794-1675

Membership Chair
Carmen Schweiger

