

September 30, 2002





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Welcome to Asystole's House of Hunt.  This is my website dedicated to virtual hunting, the games, and it's community.  Here I proudly display my trophies and provide links to other online virtual hunting communities.


There are a lot of great PC games out there that offer fun and challenging hunts for nearly every popular game animal in somewhat realistic settings.  Here is a list of those hunting games I both enjoy and highly recommend.


Deer Hunter 4

Deer Hunter 5

Deer Hunter 2003 (coming October 2002)

Hunting Unlimited

Rocky Mountain Trophy Hunter 3:  Trophies of the West

Trophy Hunter 2003

Bird Hunter:  Wild Wings Edition

Bird Hunter 2003 (coming October 2002)


These games are, in my opinion, the crème de la crème of PC hunting games.  Of course there are many other titles out there that are just as good in their own rights, but for overall fun and re-playability I would stick with the above mentioned titles.


The Top 10 Reasons Hunting Is Better On The PC

10.  You don't have to get up at the crack of dawn to get a good spot.  

9.  Bathroom facilities are readily available.  So it's safe to eat chili once again.

8.  Weather?  Not a factor here buddy.  Feel free to hunt in the nude, it's quite invigorating.

7.  Ammo is cheap.  Try Free.

6.  Hungry?  Order a pizza.  Try that one from any other tree stand. 

5.  Animals can't smell you and neither can us other hunters. Thank God!

4.  Don't have to worry about being mistaken for a moose.  Again!

3.  Game warden isn't breathing down your neck.  It's a wonder the endangered population ain't extinct yet.

2.  Every thing makes good target practice.  Bet you can't hit the side view mirror on that truck over yonder.

1.  Hunting Season Is ALWAYS Open !!!






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