Porodica Kosaca, plemenita porodica Bosne i Hercegovine, Crne Gore i Hrvatske, vidjela je svoj uspon u srednjem vijeku. Medjutim, termin 'uspon' je ovdje upitan jer, prema Siebmaheru, Porodica Kosaca predstavlja ogranak Porodice Komneno. Porodica Komneno je i sama ogranak Porodice Flavius. Stoga, radije mozemo govoriti o kontinuitetu.

The House of Kosaca, a noble House of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Croatia, has seen its peak in the middle ages. However, the term 'peak' is doubtful here as, according to Siebmacher, the House of Kosaca is a branch of the House of Comneno. The House of Comneno is itself a branch of the House of Flavius. Hence, we can rather speak of continuity.
English Srpski