A note on Chinese romanizations: there are several different
ways of
representing Chinese words in the english alphabet. Below are
listed some of the common arts in pinyin and other forms for those
wanting to cross reference:
Pinyin <--> Other
Gongfu: --> Kung Fu
Taijiquan: --> Tai Chi Chuan, T'ai Chi Ch'uan
Baguazhang: --> Pa Kua Chang
Xingyiquan: --> Hsing Yi Chuan, Hsing Yi Ch'uan
Qinna: --> Chin Na
Shuaijiao: --> Shuai-Chiao
Sanshou: --> San Shou, San-Shou
this is a
new site about martial arts. in it i will give history theories
and concepts to a few martial arts such as jeet kune do, tae kwon
do, brazilin jiu-jitsu, muay thai and many others
The next thing
i will do is start the training pages. - i will have content on
punching, kicking, stretching, weight training(strength training),
and speed training.
Soon i will
have forums up so you can post questions and answers.