House 'O Links- Cool, funny links to help relieve boredom.....

Links for 9/22/05: 

Wedgie toss game- mildly amusing.

I don't understand this completely, but anything that involves
graffitti is cool with me...

Bruce Lee interview...

Steve Sanders designs on envelope for charity.  What?

karate!  This guy chops people in half...

Random Chuck Norris fact...

Ligers suck... I guess.  And Chef Boyardee and MC Hammer have killed them.  And any enemy of Chef Boyardee is an enemy of mine.  (courtesy of M-dog)

MTV's "I want a Famous Face"-
Randy Moss...

Worst. Costumes. Ever.

Ashton Kutcher has been punked.  2 guys claimed to have hacked his voicemail.

Maddox relates discovering "Hot Coffee" on GTA...

I miss
Tom Green.  This is a clip of him back in the good old days, tormenting some Indian couple who are selling their house....

Gameboy has grown up to the
"Gameman"- a huge working version of the gameboy.

Links for 9/20/05:

Conan is Captain Planet

OK, I get some of the extreme sports- extreme this and extreme that.  But
extreme shaving?  Come on.

More white guys dancing- I can't get enough. 
This fat guy is actually a decent dancer, although it looks more like the robot than pop and lock.

This guy printed
50,000 speech bubble stickers and put them on posters all over New York and invited others to fill in the caption.  Here are the results....

crazy ping pong match- another evidence of the insanity of the Japanese.  Listen to the croud get in to it.

Links for 9/19/05:

white guys dancing- this one actually thinks he can rap and breakdance.

Speaking of breakdance- here's
Mr. T breakdancing badly.  Clubber Land never would have done that.  It would have been more like, "Woman!  Let me show you how a real man dances."  And then would have beak all those skinny kids up.  End rant.

Bush's nephew (Jeb's youngest son) arrested for public drunkeness and resisting arrest.

Preacher slips up and
talks about boobs during his sermon.  Then freaks- "Stop laughing!"

This guy can
cool links, i'm bored, fun links, funny links, bored, fun, cool links, crazy links