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Fond greetings unto all good gentles who view these words from the members of
House Singing Stone.

Aengus & Yvianne

Lord and Lady of House Singing Stone

Household Motto

Victory or defeat lies in God's hands. Over honor, we ourselves are lord and master."

House Singing Stone is a Household within the Society for Creative Anachronism. We formed the House in May of 1995 in an attempt to formalize a relationship with various friends we have made in Society and promote the ideals we hold dear, honor & chivalry, service, and the arts. The House is comprised mostly of gentles from Ęthelmearc

To gain membership in the House, several criteria must be met. You must actively participate in one area of the arts, be willing to do service when it is needed, and practice honor and chivalry to the best of your ability in all you do. Candidates for membership are 'sponsored' by a current member. Their names are brought up at a House meeting and their sponsor tells the House about them. From there, the members of the House get to know the candidate. After each member of the House has gotten to know the candidate, a vote is taken at the next house meeting to confirm or deny membership. While the voices of the entire membership are given great weight at House meetings, the Lord and Lady of the House have the final word in all matters pertaining to the House.

House Singing Stone Members

To view photos, devices or to get contact information for House members click here.

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Visit the heralds gallery to view a collection of household heraldry.

  • Sir Aengus MacBain, OL
  • Maitresse Yvianne de Castel d'Avignon, OL
  • Lady Kaithren Rowand
  • Lord Duncan MacAngus of Skye
  • Lord Rouland of Willowbrooke
  • Lord Caelin O'Ruirk (called the indecisive)
  • Laurente de Nimes
  • Elizabeth (Haley)
  • Lord Rys Chwith ap Madog
  • Jake Marshall
  • Lady Ciara O'Crotaigh
  • Lady Zoe Akropolitina
  • Lord Andreas von Hassen
  • Lord Konstantinos Akropolites
  • Singing Stone at Pennsic 37 (2008) Field Battle

    Front row: Rouland of Willowbrooke
    Middle row: Zoe, Yvianne, Ciara, Aengus, Konstantinos, Kaithren
    Tall men only row: Andreas, Mike, Duncan

    House Singing Stone News

    Apologies to all for possible delays in updating this section. It's OK to send a reminder or notes about recognition so I can post them accurately and in a timely manner.

    War Practice XX - May 16, 2009

    *** Happy Birthday Rouland... ummm I mean Lord Rouland ***
    We all had Rouland believing that he was getting called into Court so the populace could sing Happy Birthday to him. Little did he know, Their Majesties had a bigger surprise for him. After a brief talk about having the honor of watching him grow up in the SCA, Their Majesties Awarded him Arms.

    Vivat Rouland!!!

    *** When Knights cook!!! ***
    Two of the 3 entrants in this year's Wooden Pin Competition are Knights, Duchess Rowan and our own Sir Aengus. This raised the annual cooking challenge to a whole new level of competitiveness ... and camaraderie. Even after Sir Aengus was declared the winner, the taunting and teasing continued in a good natured manner.

    It may bring Her Grace (also a Laurel for cooking) some solace to know that while she is welcome in kitchens throughout the kingdom, and beyond, Aengus has been banned from using his own kitchen until he learns proper clean up proceedures.

    Vivat to Sir Aengus on his accomplishment ...
    and thank you for sharing your award winning bacon cookies with all of us.

    *** Hey, where did this party come from ??? ***
    Thanks to all who camped with Singing Stone at War Practice. Only a few of you knew in advance that we would be hosting a vigil and elevation party for Jenna (of House Lion's Tower) but most of you did not. We had no doubt you would display excellent courtesy, largesse and service. The camp looked incredible and the appearance was surpassed only by your graciousness.

    For those of you who weren't there .... along with spring weather on Friday, Summer and Fall on Saturday and Winter on Sunday morning - you missed "Captain AEthelmearc". I doubt the likes of either weather or exploits of the escarbuncle caped invader will ever be seen again.

    Special thanks to all who helped Yvianne and Rouland get home after Aengus' presence was required in Ealdormere at the last minute.

    Crown Tournament - Spring 2009

    *** Wouldn't be the same without you ***
    Aengus & Yvianne would like to thank all of the members of the Household for their support and assistance at Crown.

    It never ceases to amaze us how the silliest bunch of folks we know can make the House look so noble and refined. You all did an excellent job!!

    We are proud to call you our housemates and our friends

    Coronation of Christopher & Morgen II

    *** Looks like a girl ... ***
    Since Rouland has outgrown most of his armor, he was "forced" to take to the field in his Mom's armor. His "old stuff" was also adult list legal but not as pretty. The upgrades make him quite a target. Obviuosly he was up to the task. He fought well with prowess, chivalry and honor. Their Majesties saw this and at Court, proclaimed Rouland Their Kingdom Youth Champion.

    Vivat Rouland!!!

    Crown Tournament - spring 2008

    *** pomp, pageantry and FUN!!! ***
    Sir Aengus and Maitresse Yvianne were the only House members who competed in this Crown. Even though Aengus fought well and with a spark that has been missing for a while, victory escaped them once again. It was still a great event. Here's why:

    The unity and support that was obvious, even weeks before the tourney.
    Sometimes we forget how many true friends we have and the inspiration we get from each of them ... Thank you all! We are humbled by your generosity of time, kind words of support and encouragement and offers to be there for us - whatever we needed - in victory or defeat.

    The awesome visual display of House members in their fighting tabbards "You guys rock!!!"

    The all around fun we had - from processing into TRM presence as a House (complete with Latin chant from Monty Python), all of the stress of the tourney, through dinner and even the following morning. It was all smiles and laughter because each of you added a little something that made it possible.

    Aengus & Yvianne have once again been reminded that while they strive so hard to win the Crown, they already have treasure that surpasses any prize or accolade ...
    beloved and trusted friends.

    Vivant Singing Stone!!
    You have once again proved our motto

    Victory or defeat lies in God's hands. Over honor, we ourselves are lord and master."

    At Stormsport mid-winter event

    *** Like father, like son ***
    This event was the first time many household members had the chance to see the newly authorized Lord Duncan MacAengus take to the heavy combat list. Both Aengus & Duncan did well in the tournaments. Duncan received 30 points in the bear pit, besting his father's score ... but to be fair, Aengus missed about an hour of that tournament because he was still in the double elimination tournament (where he was finally bested in the semi-finals)

    Vivant for our fighters, young and .. experienced :-)

    *** Old friends - New recognitions ***
    Normally we use this event to catch up with our friends and household members who live in Stormsport. This year was a little harder since most of the House was busier than usual .... running the event. Kudos all around to friends and "family" for a great event.

    About the only ones who could make House members sit still for a while were the Royalty, during Court. Even then we noticed quite a few coming and goings. Some to attend to event requirements... but some to approach the Crown to receive recognition:

    Maitresse Yvianne, and her apprentice Lady Katla, were thanked for the 42 award medalions they crafted and donated to the kingdom.

    Lord Cael receved a long overdue Golden Alce and his Lady, Willow, received a Sycamore.

    Then came the award we have all been waiting for... for a LONG time.
    Lady Ciara was awarded a Keystone for her many years of service to her shire. Court was well timed so Their Majesties did not have to travel to Ciara to recognize her. Going to the tollner's table wouldn't have been much of a bother, but AEthelmearc Court on ice would have been a tricky one :-)

    Vivant for all who give selflessly ... and to all who received recognition!!

    January Fight Practice News

    *** New Heavy Combat Fighter ***
    Congratulations to Lord Duncan MacAengus of Skye, AEthelmearc's newest youth fighter to progress into adult combat. He's not quite up to Crown Tourney speed yet, but he's got 3 years before he's eligible by kingdom law. Watch out!!

    Congratulations Duncan ... and best of luck!!

    At Pennsic XXXVI

    *** Once, twice, three times a-lauded ***
    Congratulations to Lord Duncan for being proclaimed most chivalrous fighter in 3 consecutive youth combat tournaments. (East, Atlantia & AEthelmearc) and lest we be remiss, kudos also for making it to the finals in the double elimination tournament sponsored by the East.

    Vivat, vivat, vivat ... oh what the heck... vivat!!!
    Duncan's earned it.

    *** the *REAL* Aengus ***
    Sir Aengus was invited this year to compete in the Battle of the Thirty. The only change he made to his everyday rig was to borrow a more period helmet. (In the future that won't be a problem because the new one's already been ordered)
    It was great to see him on the field having fun ... laughing, giggling and fighting quite effectively with weapons he's rarely touched. The ransom he won was quickly shared with his entourage ... his Lady, Yvianne was the recipient of a lovely hand blown glass and his new man-at-arms, Duncan, benefitted from the armor that was won.

    For Aengus and all who increased their renown through their honor, chivalry, valor and prowess ... Vivant!!

    *** Our camp ... in the middle of the moat ***
    Thanks to the good folks of House Lion's Tower, we were back camping in N10 again. It was great to be surrounded by all of our old friends, in camp and across the street. We also made some new friends :-)

    The deluges that came late in the event caused a return of Loch Lion's Tower .... right through Rouland & Aengus& Yvianne's pavilions (twice) and once filling about 2/3 of the common area. Despite the mess, all were in good spirits and there were no long lasting effects.

    At AEthelmearc 10 Year Celebration

    *** Duncan gets first deer ... and more ***
    It was with honor and pride that many of the House stood in witness as Duncan received his first fighting award, the Silver Alce, on the field ... just paces from where his father was sent on Vigil to prepare for his elevation to the Chivalry a few years ago.

    Many more were in attendance as Duncan received his long overdue Award of Arms in Court later that day ...for prowess & honor upon the field, 13 years of service to the SCA and his enthusiasm & inspiration to all.

    Vivat Duncan!!!

    *** Words are not enough... ***
    Aengus & Yvianne, as autocrats of the event, would like to again thank everyone who helped out, but especially the members of this House who came out in support of us, and more importantly, of AEthelmearc. It was great to see everyone having a good time, even those who were hard at work.

    For all who labor so that others may relax and enjoy ... VIVANT!!!

    At War Practice 2007

    *** The Household grows ... a lot ***
    A year ago an invitation to join the House was extended to Lady Zoe, Lord Konstantinos and Lord Andreas. Over that time they have gotten to know us... and still like us enough to want to spend more time together. At War Practice we welcomed them with open arms. We look forward to a future filled with fun times as in the days of our forming ... when friendships were paramount to the game and "nothing" really meant something >;-)

    For Zoe, Andreas & Konstantinos, newest members of House Singing Stone... VIVANT!!

    *** Oooohh Coriware ***
    Vivat to Duncan on winning yet another youth tourney. Victory was not the only prize. The token given to Duncan to mark his success was a ceramic plate made by Mistress Cori. Coriware has become highly valued in our home and Duncan was thrilled to place his plate among our collection.

    Vivant for those like Duncan who compete not for honors ... but for honor
    ... and for those who give of themselves to support youth combat.

    At the Coronation of Christopher & Morgen

    *** Duncan works on his "short game" ***
    The Kingdom Youth Combat Champion was chosen at Coronation. Since there were no division 3 fighters to test his skill, Duncan dropped down a division. At six foot three, he can be quite an imposing opponent, even within his own division, so at the beginning of every bout he would drop to his knees. Yeilding this point of honor to every opponent cost him the tournament, but he gained far more in reputation as he was recognized as the most chivalrous fighter.

    Vivat Duncan ... the future of AEthelmearc is bright (and tall) :-)

    *** You hit like a Laurel ***
    For several years Yvianne has been the House's only heavy combat Laurel. At Coronation, that changed as Sir Aengus was recognized for his skill at parchment making, book binding, calligraphy and other diverse arts.

    Speaking as worthies were:
    Representing the Chivalry - Sir Kadan
    Representing the Royal Peers - Duchess Dorinda ... and
    the words of Viscount Haakon (spoken by his protege Aine)
    Representing the Pelicans - Mistress Giulietta
    Representing the Laurels - Master Tofi,
    Master Broom (and 3 brief words by Mistress Arianna)

    The regalia consisting of a Laurel jacquard gambeson (something he will wear much more often than a second cloak) and the first Laurel medalion his Consort ever wore around her neck were gifts from the heart and hand of that same lady, Maitresse Yvianne.

    Vivat Aengus ... I think I'll shut up now. :-)

    At Summer's End

    *** Shiny new bascinet brings good luck ***
    Rouland really wanted to try out his new helmet at least once before the Kingdom Champions Tournament next week. Apparently it works fine and carries with it the omen of good fortune. Rouland was proclaimed the victor in today's tournament.

    For Rouland and all who take to the field of combat as much out of enjoyment of the sport and an exercise in friendship as a test of their skill ... VIVANT!!!

    *** Pair of troublemakers?? ***
    Just as Yvianne was chasitzing Aengus for whatever it was that compelled Their Majesties, Malcolm & Tessa, to call him before Them... They asked her to also present herself. After hearing words of Thanks for all that they had done individually to support Crown and Kingdom, they were both awarded Sigils for their efforts. Got caught this time, didn't you ???

    Vivant for Aengus & Yvianne ... and all who labor behind the scenes for the benefit and glory of AEthelmearc.

    At Pennsic XXXV

    *** The articulated stainless anniversary ***
    Aengus & Yvianne celebrated their 20th wedding anniversary on July 19th. By mutual agreement they decided it would be the articulated stainless anniversary and gifts would be purchased at Pennsic. Unfortunately neither of them found armor to suit their tastes (and budget) so they exchanged tokens of affection and enjoyed the tournament that they had planned and organized in between the planned celebratory activities on their actual anniversary.

    Vivant to Aengus & Yvianne for their commitment to each other and to this game.

    *** You can dress them up ...
    ...and you can take them out too. ***

    Aside from being in the forefront of service (Duncan as a member of the Queen's Guard and Rouland as Page and retainer to Baroness Isabella Ironhands, both boys received prizes at youth boffer tournaments this year. After the East Kingdom sponsored tourney, Rouland was given a lampwork bead in appreciation of his period appearance and Duncan was recognized as the most chivalrous fighter in division 3 at the Midrealm tournament.

    For Duncan and Rouland ... the future of AEthelmearc is assured in your service, comportment and prowess..... VIVANT!!

    At War Practice 2006

    *** Everything old is new again ***
    Many years ago we formed this household with our friends. We spent weekends together when there were no events to attend. We traveled, dined, took classes and planned many events together Over the past decade, though we have remained good friends, we have gone off in numerous different directions within the SCA. We have been very successful within the SCA through our actions (7 peers have been elevated as members of Singing Stone in the past 5 years) but because we give so much time and energy to the SCA we don't spend time with each other anymore. At War Practice all Peers and their associates were released from their Household ties so that they could create households of their own that more closely fit their SCA endeavors. Aengus & Yvianne wish to extend those leaving the Household the best of luck. Those remaining with the House have agreed to become as active as a household as possible.

    At Spring Crown Tourney 2006

    *** Step away from the paperwork ***
    After many years of service to the Kingdom, Master Jacopo's term of office as Archer General has ended. We're not actually sure if he had sat down yet or not when he quickly jumped up to volunteer an arrow in token of his pledge to shoot for AEthelmearc at Pennsic.

    Vivat for Jacopo's past service and for that which he will no doubt undertake in his "retirement" :-)

    *** Baby Alce brings the ... gummy bears??? ***
    It was with pride that we, as a House, watched Rouland of Willowbrooke receive a Silver Alce for fighting prowess and his fearless nature in the list. It seems like only yesterday that he was toddling around camp in diapers carrying a stick to beat off intruders. Truth be told, that was quite a while ago. Rouland will turn 12 this coming weekend at War Practice... where he plans to celebrate by fighting in the youth tournament. :-)

    Remembering the past, but looking forward to the future
    Congratulations Rouland on your recognition

    The deceptively small list of entrants gathered to choose the Heirs to the Throne of AEthelmearc provided no easy pairing. Our household was represented by 2 couples:

    • Sir Kadan, fighting for Mistress Aleea
    • Sir Aengus, fighting for Maitresse Yvianne

    Who once again, through skill and might, fought their way through the list to eventually meet just before the semi finals. While the combatant's prepared to give their all for Crown and consort, I daresay their inspirations were giggling an awful lot...
    and even shared a Tessa sandwich along the way ;-)

    Vivant for all who fought with honor and courage ... and their gracious consorts as well

    *** Like Days of Old ***
    For those of you who missed Crown, you missed a tourney that set AEthelmearc back about a decade ... but that's not a bad thing. There was more pageantry and the list was much less modern looking, but I could swear that I saw the finalists laugh and joke around like they did in the list at a fight practice at CMU many years ago. It was an unusual sight as both couples left the pavilion they had just shared a long, friendly visit in and skipped together through the lists to Their Majesties to ask that the tourney finals be started. It has been a long time since AEthelmearc saw victor and vanquished, combattant and consort enter and leave the list on such cordial terms ... even after the finals.

    Who were the finalists that go back so far yet are young and strong enough to make the finals of Crown Tourney?

    Sir Christopher Rawlyns and our own Sir Aengus MacBain

    While once again Aengus & Yvianne were not victorious, they left the list proud and honored to be part of this day. The finals were well fought, clean and noble bouts. After the Heirs were chosen, the consorts escorted each other into the list and all spoke together .. there was even a group hug :-).

    *** It's both an honor and a heavy burden ***
    After every Crown Tournament the Ladies of the Rose and Garnet meet to select the most chivalrous fighter on and off the field. The chosen individual is named Bearer of the Shield of Chivalry, made part of the Royal Court and given a large, heavy, wooden round shield to carry as a sign of their station. It is with great pride that Sir Aengus will carry this regalia .. and to groans of relief he will set it down after court. All joking aside .. it is more honor than burden, and having won this distinction now for a third time is indeed an even more rare accomplishment.

    For Sir Aengus and those who guide and inspire him to such courtesy ... Vivant!!

    ** A special thanks to all who helped Aengus & Yvianne at Crown **
    Our friends who offered words of encouragement and consolation,
    banner bearers, herald, guards, those who helped with set up and tear down

    It is through *all of our efforts* that the Dream lives on
    and AEthelmearc's renown is increased.

    Inspiration is where you find it...and we hope many are inspired to future feats of chivalry and courtesy by what they witnessed at Crown.

    At the Coronation of Malcolm & Tessa

    *** Changing of the guard ***
    Coronation is a time of change but some felt it this time more than previous Coronations as they realized the tall young member of the Queen's Guard was no other than our own Duncan MacAengus. Yes, he's grown up ... a lot!!

    During the Youth Tourney, Duncan wore his Queen's Guard tabard with pride as he defeated all to win the competition with honor and skill.

    Congratulations to Duncan on his victory in the list and appointment to a position of new responsibility ... and best wishes to Their Majesties for a joyous and safe reign.

    At Ice Dragon

    *** They have merchants here? ***
    Most of the House was too busy to get much shopping done - or visiting with each other. :-( It was nice to see everyone though, however briefly... OK except for Kadan & Aleea who missed the event to go on a cruise. They gave up a trip to Buffalo in March to the Carribean?... go figure :-)

    All in all Ice Dragon was what Ice Dragon always is... except this year we had a tourney winner. No not one of the Knights or Squires - Rouland was victorious in the div. 2 youth combat tourney.

    Vivat Rouland!!!

    At Summer's End .. an event most fowl ;-)

    *** DUCK!!! ***
    Intrigued and inspired by the trebuchet tourney, Sir Aengus researched and built a seige weapon to match his persona ... does it surprise anyone that a perfectly period trebuchet for the good Knight is based on a ...ummm... certain male body part ;-). Aengus was not victorious in the proficiency or distance competitions (insert your own joke here) .. he did however win a prize for the most authentic weapon.

    More than honors ... fun was had by all.

    *** CHICKEN? ***
    Did anyone notice than none of Sir Aengus' Squires showed up to fight in the tourneys? Good thing he can always count on Rys (his one and only man-at-arms) showing up.

    *** PELICAN :-) ***
    Some of us recognized noble traits in this most generous man long before we found the SCA ... others recognized them soon after meeting him ... on this day TRM Malcolm and Tessa, officially recognized Jacopo di Niccolo as a Companion of the Pelican.

    Speaking as worthies were:
    Mistress Aleea - Laurel
    Sir Aengus - Chivalry
    Duchess Maurya & Duke Christopher - Royal Peers
    Mistress Aobhiel & Viscount Haakon - Pelican

    In typicallly unique form, Master Jacopo swore his Oath of Fealty to the populace and Kingdom and his Oath was accepted by TRM on behalf of the people of AEthelmearc. They then turned Jacopo towards the populace and introduced them to *their* newest Peer. His Majesty encouraged all to seek him out and learn from him.

    Vivat MASTER Jacopo ... well deserved

    At AEthelmearc Academy

    *** insert your own comment about shooting the bird here ***
    At the Academy session this past Saturday, His Lordship Jacopo was inducted into the Order of the Sycamore for his skill as a fletcher and arrow builder.

    However, I have a feeling his happiness at his most recent accolade was somewhat diminished when he was later called back into the Royal presence and given a Writ to appear at Summers End to receive counsel and answer if he would join the Most Noble Order of the Pelican!

    Congratulations to Jacopo on both of these well deserved accolades!

    At Viking Sword & Rose

    *** THIS weeks tourney news... ***
    Three weeks in a row Sir Aengus has competed in tourneys ... and thrice has he represented the House well. This week he competed in 2 tournaments. In the first,a round robin, he was victorious against all comers ... In the second, he may have done better had he remembered to call the blows in the first bout instead of just enjoy the thrill of once again stepping to the barrier. Being the honorable and chivalrous knight he is, instead of asking that the bout be started anew, he yielded and in doing so lost the one bout he would have needed to advance through the tourney undefeated. Though he lost this tourney, his consort was well pleased at his performance ... and Her Majesty was impressed with his quick wit and even quicker blows.

    Between the 2 adult heavy weapons tournaments, while the other combatants took their leave of the list and rested... Sir Aengus marshaled the tournament to determine the Youth Champion for AEthelmearc. Duncan and Rouland both fought well. While neither young lad won the tournament, Rouland was called forth at Court and recognized by Her Majesty, Tessa, for his inspiration as a youth combatant... I'm not sure if it was his tourney performance or his acts of bravery and skill during the War college classes. When an 11 year old shieldsman runs up the spear of a Duke without fear or through tactics surprises the War commander by appearing out of thin air in perfect position to have killed him if it were an actual melee ... it's sort of hard not to notice.

    Vivant to our noble warriors ... young and ... well, not so young :-)

    At War Practice

    *** Tigersbane strikes again ***
    It was noted by Their Majesties that they don't mind having a tigersbane around when there are so many bunnies in our land ;-) Therefore Lord Aidan, long rebmembered and admired for his feats of prowess at thrown weapons, is a most welcome addition to their Order of the Golden Alce.
    Vivat on your well deserved recognition.

    *** Father & son Tourney winners ***
    Sir Aengus, competing as the heavy weapons champion for the Debatable Land, was victorious in the Seven Pearls Baronial Champions Tourney. His first bout was against his own man at arms, Alwin the Silent (representing the Barony of Endless Hills)The finals were a best of 3 against THL Jarius of the Darklands. In a weapons rotation way too reminiscent of last week's Crown finals, Aengus was tested but eventually emerged the victor

    Later that day on the same field, Aengus & Yvianne's sons, Duncan & Rouland competed in youth tournaments. Duncan fought well in division 3 and came in second (like his dad the week before at Crown) Rouland chose to emulate his father's feats this week and won the division 2 tournament.

    At Crown Tournament

    *** Close.... but hey, we're not playing horseshoes***
    The small list of entrants gathered in the Shire of Kings Crossing to determine who would be the Heirs to the Throne of AEthelmearc. Our household was represented by 2 couples:

    • Sir Kadan, fighting for Mistress Aleea
    • Sir Aengus, fighting for Maitresse Yvianne

    Both couples did Our House proud and fought with great prowess and honor. Only one couple would be victorious and claim the Crown of AEthelmearc... Nope, not one of ours. But we can claim the runner up...
    Vivant to Sir Aengus and his gracious consort, Maitresse Yvianne for coming in second. :-)
    More information and pictures from Crown are available here .

    ... but wait, there's more...

    The good gentes of the household have been very active and successful throughout our years. To relive past moments, or get to know more about us read our household history .

    Tell us what you think

    Send us an Site created 10/4/98