House Sunrise is an SCA household that exists to serve. We serve our local groups, our Baronies, our Kingdom, and the Knowne World in general. This service can take the form of helping out at events and demos; it also involves participating actively in the arts and sciences and attending local meetings as regularly as possible. (As soon as I have a copy of the house creed, I will post it here.)
There is another purpose to House Sunrise: that of education. Most members of House Sunrise are new to the Society for Creative Anachronism; it is hoped that involvement in House Sunrise will teach new members and would-be members everything that there is to know, and leave them eager to continue further activity in the SCA. We sew garb for people who have none and need help making tunics or other basic items of clothing, we sponsor people at events if they cannot get transportation or if they need a little bit of help with the site fee. Most of the members of House Sunrise are young adults, or newbies who are just learning about the SCA. In time, the old members will be experienced, and will be mentors to a new flock of "pages."
House Sunrise is committed to honouring diversity; all prospectives are welcome, regardless of race, creed, sex, sexual orientation, etc. We currently have members male and female, lesbian, bisexual, and straight, Christian and Wiccan and atheist (and I might be forgetting some other religious practices, so bear with me). Most of our members live in the incipient Canton of Border Keep (Marietta, OH) within the Barony of Middle Marches. Some don't. I personally live in the Barony of the Fenix (Cincinnati, OH).
Isobel Wren's page
(NOTE: other household members who have websites will also get links. That means the people of the household need to write me. I don't live in Marietta; I can't walk to Catriona and Adeliz' house and circulate a piece of paper for everyone to sign. If you have a web page of your own, please write me with the address. :))
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