Big Yaoi HE Orgy
*trot trot trot*
669 Hits: He is one hot mother--'Shut your mouth!' But I'm talking 'bout Nentou!  'Then I can dig it.'

Hey, Houshin Engi fans! Do you like yaoi or shounen-ai? Do you like to take two characters and rant about how they're in love, or how they're meant to be together, no matter how irrational or implausible the couple may be? Then you've come to the right place! Here at "Big Yaoi HE Orgy" you get to request what Houshin Engi couple you want drawn, and we draw it! It's just that simple! Just fill out the form on your right, send it and voila! Yaoi! So don't delay, get your wildest fantasy created today!

01.27.02 - Gomen Gomen Gomen! HentaiHatsy here. Much to Bunchuu-sama's dismay, hotmail has deleted all his messages. Once hotmail has recovered from Bunchuu-sama's ... uh ... punishment... please resend any requests that aren't in the queue. Stay tuned for some sort of 1000 hit celebration! (Disclaimer: if it doesn't appear until we've reached 2000 hits, we are not responsible)

08.28.01 - 669 Hit Thanks! Don't you love Nentou? The allure of his eyebrows... And the requested Routai pic is up! Ah, when girly, skinny sendou meet, love is bound to ensue. Or at least lots of horny bunny impressions.

08.06.01 - This time, I, Ambrosia-chan, did a hit pic.

Requested Pics
Chouka Palace Dungeon
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Going my way, purin-chan?

visitors have been pulled into KiHatsu's mass orgy
+ * boygasm +
[|<< ? (boysluts) # >>|]
# @ Fuck Homophobia #

SHHHOOOmp. Use this form to request
    Houshin Engi
    Unrequested Pics
    Ages 15+ Only
    Your name

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    Name of Seme (dominant guy)

    Name of Uke (submissive guy)

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    Hentai Hatsy
    Shoujo Shink

    Specifics or Comments
    (position, attitude, mood?)

    Why they were meant to be

    If the form does not work for you, mail the above to