Houston Pagan Fellowship
Monthly Movie Pics
Are there movies Pagans prefer? Of course there are movies Pagans prefer over others.  But it's not really a question of what Pagans prefer, it's what People who happen to be Pagan prefer.
What kind of movies do Pagans watch?
Well, pretty much the same kind of movies everyone else watches.  When you keep in mind that Pagans are just like you, then you will understand that Pagans are just normal people who enjoy the same things everyone else does.
Are children being taught evil by movies? Well, that depends on what the parents allow them to watch and how parents explain movies to them.
Can I learn to be Pagan by watching movies? It's not recommended because there are too many aspects about Pagans that are not represented correctly in the movies.  Anyone seriously considering to be pagan should consider movies strictly entertainment rather than educational.  Take time to study what a Pagan is and proceed off of that education, not what movies depict.
Are there movies that Pagans Don't like? Most definitely is the answer to that question.  Movies who sensationalize the easiness of witchcraft and promote irresponsible actions is something that no Pagan is fond of.  But that doesn't just go for Pagans, that's anyone of any religion.  No one enjoys their religion being made fun of, made light of or miscommunicated.
Do Pagans only watch movies about Paganism or Witchcraft? Of Course not is the answer to that one.  Again, Pagans are people just like you who enjoy a variety of movies.  Some enjoy movies with castles in them, some with animals, some with drama, etc.  Pagans enjoy various kinds of movies.
Are there any movies accurate in depicting Pagans? There are some movies that come really close but there are still somethings about each movie that is hyped for Hollywood or Box Office Effect.
Hocux Pocus starring Bette Midler
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Comical Spoof about Three resurrected witches that give Salem, Massechusetts really something to worry about!
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HPF September Movie Pic
Hocus Pocus