Houyou Ai: Embrace Love
A Shrine Dedicated to the Love of Toma and Celipa

Welcome to our little love shrine where those who are fans of the couple can find solace. When we first started this site, it was only supposed to be some small fling we did that we added as a subsite to our main ones. To our surprise, the more we added onto it, the more we loved it, and here it is: a full blown shrine with multimedia, fanfiction, images, and information. Enjoy and bask in the love of these two! Oh, by the way, some of the links don't work yet. That would be because they haven't been created yet. Bear with us.

Click here to take this month's poll: Should a Toma/Celipa hentai link be allowed?

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Updated: May 22, 2001
Why Toma and Celipa?
Toma/Celipa Rants
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Obligatory Disclaimer: This site is a non-profit production created by Veronica Shields, Suka, and Miyuki Thiem. We mean no infrigements on any of the rights alighted to Akira Toiryama, Toei Animation, Bird Studios, or FUNimation.

Questions? Comments? E-mail Chaotic Serenity at ChaoticSerenity3@aol.com or Miyuki Thiem at ryuninja77@hotmail.com or Suka at Bardock@heartthrob.com