hovercraft collective


So it all started around November of 2002. A few fellas were sitting around talking about how cool it would be to own one of those build-it-yourself helicopters. After that idea got shot down, we started to think more realistically. Naturally, we came upon the hovercraft.

What a wonderous beast, the hovercraft. Hovercrafts are able to traverse any surface (water, sand, grass, asphalt/concrete). They "float" on a cushion of air and are propelled by a large fan. It needs little pointing out to show why hovercrafts sounded like such a good idea.

So about 4 of us decided we would buy a used hovercraft. We started going around and asking people for money. This, along with the collection of pop cans, brought us about 5% of the way by the end of the year. Realizing this would be a slow way of getting a hovercraft, this year we have upped the fundraising effort. We are going on more intense and regular collection missions (generally every sunday). We have held a bachelor auction and inted on doing more events like it. The Calvin College community and others will help us achieve our goal by small to medium size donations. We figure if everyone gives a little, it will be easy to raise the necessary funds. We intend to be very generous with our hovercraft and give rides frequently. Our contract guaruntees that the owners abide by some rules during the fundraising and aquisition/usage of the craft. Please help us on our quest!