Johannes Kepleris

Topocentric Astrological Chart


Sky Circumstances

Look at the local sky and see what the topocentric chart shows
Topocentric chart is really local, really personal and shows the real aspects
The planetary positions must be topocentric because the positions of the house cusps are topocentric

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Topocentric astrological chart
Kepleris represents first topocentric astrological chart.
All other charts are geocentric and subsequently they show incorrect aspects. Even for general reviewing they are inconvenient because of an obvious conflict between topocentric houses and geocentric planetary positions. Kepleris shows all bodies in their natural positions and it is the only chart that could be used by ancient astrologers.

Tables and astrological data
The chart provides all necessary astrological data - positions, retrogrades, aspects, essential dignities, accidental dignities, other dignities, dispositors, mutual receptions, ruler of the chart, lunar day and lots. Except of main house positions, which are topocentric, sign positions are provided too. Sign positions are geocentric/ecliptic - the same as in traditional geocentric charts.

Astrological interpretations
A comprehensive set of interpretations is available. To get any interpretation on any object just a mouse click is required on the symbol of appropriate object - planet sign, house number, retrograde or aspect sign. Interpretations are implemented for the chart, position tables and the aspect table.

Planetarium and astronomical ephemeris
Kepleris provides a real model of the local sky which includes all necessary objects - Sun, Moon, Mercury...Pluto, 3141 stars, 1598 asteroids and 101 comets. It's quite easy to observe them and to get any interesting property or data. The star map provides also with all constellations, their full figures, bounds and names.

Lunar Days and Lunar Calendar
The concept of Lunar Days is one of the most ancient in astrology. Many centuries ago people started to devise descriptions for all the days in the lunar month. As a result, such descriptions existed in every major astrological tradition, but the different traditions do not always agree. We are left to choose the one which best fits our practical experience, and after a period of observation, perhaps you will get to know what works best for you. So what are the Lunar Days? Basically, they are the periods of time between two consecutive risings of the Moon. Only the first and the last days vary from this. The first Lunar Day starts at the moment of the New Moon and ends at Moonrise following the New Moon. It can be very short, even just a few minutes long. The last Lunar Day ends at the next New Moon (when the next lunar month begins). This, too, can be quite short.Since the laws of the Moon's movement are complicated, the duration of lunar months varies. Some lunar months have all 30 lunar days, others have only 29.The time of the Moon's rising depends on the longitude and latitude of a place, so strictly speaking, it will be different for different places..

Gregorian Calendar dates
Calendar dates — year, month, and day — are problematic. Various calendar systems have been in use at different times and places around the world. This program deals with only two: the Gregorian calendar, now used universally for civil purposes, and the Julian calendar, its predecessor in the western world. As used here, the two calendars have identical month names and number of days in each month, and differ only in the rule for leap years. The Julian calendar has a leap year every fourth year, while the Gregorian calendar has a leap year every fourth year except century years not exactly divisible by 400. This application assumes that the changeover from the Julian calendar to the Gregorian calendar occurred in October of 1582, according to the scheme instituted by Pope Gregory XIII. Specifically, for dates on or before 4 October 1582, the Julian calendar is used; for dates on or after 15 October 1582, the Gregorian calendar is used. Thus, there is a ten-day gap in calendar dates, but no discontinuity in Julian dates or days of the week: 4 October 1582 (Julian) is a Thursday, which begins at JD 2299159.5; and 15 October 1582 (Gregorian) is a Friday, which begins at JD 2299160.5. The omission of ten days of calendar dates was necessitated by the astronomical error built up by the Julian calendar over its many centuries of use, due to its too-frequent leap years.

Print, copy and help
The service options for each program item are - printing, copying and getting help. Each help text contains a link to the basic astrology information.

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