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Scans are done in gray image at 900, 2400, 4900 dpi. To my amazement a couple scans had small color areas show up. One scan was totally B & W until I cropped a section and blew it up, then color areas appeared.
All the scans had the aspect ratio preserved and when finished were best viewed at 100%. Scans were all done in Photo Plus 4. Occasionally I would take a scan into Microsoft photo editor or Adobe photoshop and do photo adjustments. The photo scans pictured here are but a tiny section of the originals. On most of these I haven't a clue how or what steps I took to get the results. I was just playing around and never expected this.

I haven't a clue why these scans are showing this stuff or why some have different colored backgrounds and some are white. I scanned a regular photo of me and the dogs and did the same adjustments to it, but didn't come up with anything resembling these. These scanned photos are only a small crop of the originals.

These images, pictures, etc. that are comming out on the scans seems to somehow of been put onto the rocks in layers. The reason I think this, is that I have re-scanned the same areas and I come up with a completely different picture. It seems like every time I re-scan the same area I am peeling off another layer. Also I am noticing that the different DPI settings are bringing out different pictures, images, symbols, etc. Some of the pictures have what looks like cylinders (scrolls?) in them and the more you adjust the focus, the more symbols  appear out of the cylinders.  Symbols and glyphs range between 1/32" and 1".

(# 1) Deerhead374

(c) 1999, all rights reserved

This above scan is called  deerhead374, at 900dpi. Numbers 2,  3, and  4 were cropped from the area where the red square box is (#1). Number 2 was cropped from the "fit in view" version. Number 3 was cropped from the same area of deerhead374then cropped, focus adjustments, etc., but a different picture came up. Number 4 is a crop from the full size version of # 1. 900dpi.

The next three scan photos are from deerhead374 that I scanned in grayscale and afterwards noticed a small very bright colorful area. [How in the hell could that be in color when I scanned in grayscale?] I cropped it and blew it up and it's amazing and beyond description. You can only see this one real clear when it's in the original size. Once again I kept the aspect ratio the same, then did a few focus adjustments. I did NO color adjusting on this at all. I reduced the whole image so you could see how cool it is!  I used +1 on focus everytime after enlarging in Photo Plus 4. The photo (# 2) looks totally different in the "fit inside window view" compared to the actual view.
I was finally able to crop a piece of the original blow up and keep it the same, but lost some of its clarity. It is the third photo down, # 4. Most of the symbols are colored crosses within crosses, connecting to crosses.

(# 2) Deerheadsquares

(c) 1999, all rights reserved
This looks like it has volumes of books to open. 900dpi

(# 3) Colornegative

(c) 1999, all rights reserved

This photo is another scanned crop of the same area (square red box), enlarged 900% and 3 auto adjusts, then cropped. If this doesn't look a color negative of schematic, nothing does. Crosses are visible in this one. This one did not lose it's clarity. 900dpi

(# 4)

(c) 1999, all rights reserved
This one was scanned in Gray image. Absolutely no color adjusting was done. 900dpi.

Below are some drawings I made of a few of the symbols I found in # 4. I drew the ones that looked to stand alone and not be connected to other symbols. I only drew a few of the little single crosses because some are white & yellow and of course won't show up. ( The little crosses inside the crosses don't show up well. ) There were lime green ones also but didn't have that color. The same thing applies to the bigger crosses that have a different color cross in the center. Underlined symbols go together. Symbols are not drawn to scale. Some of these symbols have been seen on other scanned pieces and under the magnifying lamp. Some of these symbols changed thickness a very small amount throughout the symbol. I did not (could not) draw that.

(# 5)

(c) 1999, all rights reserved