Ultrasound Pics
Sept. 1, 2005---7 wks 3 days pg.
Heartbeat is 150 bpm!
Sept. 20, 2005---10 wks 1 day pg.
Heartbeat is 160 bpm!
Oct. 4, 2005---12 wks 1 day pg.
This is a Level II u/s.  Baby is measuring even a little bigger than my dates!   Heartbeat is 167 bpm!
Nov. 23, 2005---19 wks 2 days pg.
This is also a Level II u/s, and baby is still
measuring about 3 days ahead!
Heartbeat is 146 bpm!
Jan. 11, 2006---26 wks 2 days pg.
Another Level II u/s.   Baby is still
measuring ahead---PHEW!
Heartbeat is 154 bpm!
Jan. 11, 2006.
I asked for a "foot-print" pic, and the tech
got this shot of both feet together!
Don'cha just
love baby feet?   :)