Pekkle with duck

The Levy Times

Our Family Chronicles

Pekkle falls down



Baby Girl Levy Photos

Other Photos

Joseph Kohale Art Gallery

Trips in the RV Camper

  1. Crestview RV Campground, Buda, TX, 11/22/03
  2. The shores of Lake Buchanan, TX, 11/28/03
  3. Salado, TX, 12/6/03
  4. Near Canyon Lake, TX, 12/13/03
  5. Lake Somerville, TX, 1/10/04
  6. Lake Stillhouse Hollow, TX, 1/16/04
  7. Fredericksburg, TX, 2/14/04
  8. Granger Lake, TX, 2/28/04
  9. Eureka Springs, AR, 3/13/04
  10. Canton, TX, 7/2/04
  11. McKinney, TX, 9/4/04
  12. Gun Barrel City, TX, 10/1/04
  13. Inks Lake State Park, TX, 10/22/04
  14. Kyle, TX, 11/13/04
  15. Wimberley, TX, 12/18/04
  16. Bee Caves, TX, 2/25/05
  17. Krause Springs, TX, 3/11/05

All is well!
Posted by Julia, 3:00 pm, April 28, 2005

We just returned from yet another visit to Dr. Parr this morning. Everything appears to be right on track, and in Dr. Parr's words, "You're doing very well! Blood pressure looks good [120 over 78 this morning]; urine looks good..." The baby's head is turned down and isn't engaged in the pelvis so she's still quite high. At this point, unless she's going to be a little stinker, we should expect her head to stay down for the duration of her baking time.  I've also made the decision to try and hold out on getting an epidural to have a "natural" (unmedicated) birth.  It's not that I think that epidurals are unsafe, but if I can prevent as much chemical exposure to the baby as possible, then it is worth trying.

Snooze n Cruise bed

The Snooze 'n Cruise toddler bed that we had ordered from Baby Depot just arrived yesterday, three months in advance of the expected special order date! We would have waited to get the bed when Baby Girl is old enough to use it, but because nephew Andrew will be visiting, we figured we'd go ahead and get the bed for him to use while staying in Casa de Levy.

Our next appointment is May 12, 2005 in the morning.  

A bad hormone day!
Posted by Julia,
9:00 pm, April 24, 2005

It all started today around noon when my stretchy yoga pants were no longer stretchy. The band was stretched all the way to the max, and this was the last pair of “regular” pants that I could squeeze in, and I mean squeeze. So when Howie made a comment that my toothpaste smelled like skunk and that I had an interesting pregnant shape (though all in good intention, on his end so he said), that was the last straw. The extra progesterone in my system kicked in, and the flood gates opened for a tongue lashing that he’ll never forget. So off I went to Target to buy some real pregnant lady pants. I had kind of hoped to get away with just owning 1 or 2 pregnant pants, but I guess Baby Girl needs more space to stretch out rather than the restricted confinement of my vanity. My new comfy pants (albeit ugly pants) are now in the washer so starting tomorrow, my stretchy yoga pants go into the vault of my clothes belonging to my former, non-pregnant self.

Oh – and the community seder we went to this evening, they served an Ashkenazee (sp?) charoset didn’t taste quite as good as the Kovashi dukeh. The charoset had apple chunks with cinnamon. Then they served this horseradish paste that to me should have been substituted with wasabi, which would at least have had a better pungent taste. I definitely think that Yemenite Passover meals taste better.

What's new in the womb?
Posted by Julia, 4:30 pm, April 16, 2005

For those who keep asking us, Baby Girl Levy still doesn’t have a name. We have some ideas, but nothing yet has been set in stone. We’ll announce her name upon her arrival at the Round Rock Medical Center.

She has made friends with my bladder, using it to cushion her head. She kicks vigorously between the hours of 4:30 am – 10:30 am, again after lunch, and again after dinner. She hiccups frequently in 5 minute intervals after lunch. Baby Girl is weighing in at just over 2.5 lbs, most of that I’m sure are her chubby cheeks.

In all, Dr. Parr (our obstetrician) has noted that everything is progressing as expected in this pregnancy. Our next scheduled appointment is April 28, 2005. We’ll keep you posted on any changes.

Howie and I have been attending birthing classes. We go every Tuesday in April. Then in May, we will be attending a breastfeeding and newborn care class.

In vase of emergency

Thank you

A heartfelt thanks to everyone's well-wishes, hand-me-downs, and gifts! We appreciate it greatly!



We're estimating that Baby Girl's birthday will be June 18, 2005, so let the countdown begin!



The names that we had considered for our little chick included Hannah, Abigail, Emma, and Ava. The name that we finally settled on for her is one that we've always used in reference to the imaginary child/children that we would have someday. After reading through the 50,001 baby names book, go figure that we would come back to this name. We'll give you a hint. It is of Greek origin, meaning to flourish. Her middle name is of Gaelic origin, meaning smart/brilliant.

Just a side note: You might be wondering what's up with all the poultry on this webpage.  Baby Girl will be born in the lunar year of the chicken, and since Pekkle is Julia's favorite bird animal (close enough to a chicken), Pekkle flocks this page.