About Howard Youhanan
My academic background includes a Bachelor of Science in Nutrition from McGill University and a Masters in Business Administration from York University. My academic background has helped me develop my research and learning skills. These skills allow me to better understand varied real estate markets and how they are appreciating. My clients benefit from these skills as I have a better base to negotiate from. This also allows me to give my clients more accurate market analysis.

My MBA has also given me a background in economics and marketing. Economics and the laws of supply/demand are really what the housing market is grounded on. Understanding economics translates to a better understanding of the value of property now and in the future.

Understanding a target market and how to reach them is a focal skill in selling any property. The marketing aspect of my MBA has helped me master these valuable skills as well.
Work experience: The first job I ever had was as a credit card solicitor. This job allowed me to develop my most valuable skill that has stayed with me ever since- chutzpah.

Chutzpah is a Yiddish term that is best defined as moxy or nerve. My chutzpah allows me to talk to buyers, sellers, and agents in any place any time. Umpteen numbers of times, this skill has allowed me to find buyers when there were none and to get showings on properties when no one else could. When I am working for you, you are truly getting the best in networking.

My years of experience in marketing, advertising, and sales have helped me develop these skills to help you sell and buy property. I have worked in advertising for a nutritional supplement company as well for a dotcom business. I have also sold everything from credit cards to personal training sessions.The marketing and advertising skills that my job experiences have helped me build up are a necessity to sell your condominium quickly and effectively.