Howard Zinn Online

Welcome to Howard Zinn Online! This site features all things Zinn: essays, biographies, interviews and other miscellany.

Online works. These include essays and excerpts from books published at various web sites.

Biographies. These include short summaries of the life of Howard Zinn. The ultimate biography, of course, is his autobiography, You Can't Be Neutral on a Moving Train.

Education. As Zinn's work gains popularity, more and more educators ask me to share educational resources. This page is dedicated to those educators and their students - it contains materials which they might find useful in studying history through Zinn's works.

Interviews of Zinn. These include a March 1999 interview given to your very own webmaster.

Other Radicals. This page has a list of other radicals in whom you might be interested if you enjoy the work of Howard Zinn. Feel free to contribute to this page!

Miscellaneous. These pages have a wide variety of content, including audio clips of Zinn, online essays about Zinn's work, and a page about the books that influenced Zinn as a child.

Credits. This site is very much the creation of its users, and I owe a debt of gratitude to some of the people who have helped me write it, and who have helped publicize it by linking to Howard Zinn Online.

Will the Real Howard Zinn Online Please Stand Up?

Apparently, enthusiasm for Prof. Zinn's works and radical/leftist causes in general is spiraling out of control. Recently another site titled Howard Zinn Online has popped up at The site is a very thorough, complete collection of Howard Zinn-related resources, and is designed remarkably well to boot. Check it out!

Because the new site does such a good job, I will no longer try to keep an updated list of all things related to Zinn on this site. Instead, I'd like to broaden this site's services, by reopening the message boards, collecting educational resources and otherwise serving as a gathering place for people interested in radical history.

I encourage you to email me with other ideas for the "Get Involved" page, contribute to the message boards, send me educational materials, and otherwise help generate more information and ideas for the people who come to this site. I hope you enjoy the new focus.

Get Involved

It's one thing to read about democratic socialism, and to think about what it might mean and how it might be accomplished. It's another thing entirely to act on your convictions and help make the dreams of millions of people a reality. Click here to discover some of the things you can do to act.

Stand Up and Be Heard

One of the great things about this web site is the users who visit it. As the sites's creator, I've had the distinct pleasure of talking with several of them; but I think it's only fair to share that with everyone else who'd like to listen. Please consider:

Upcoming Events

If you would like me to post your event, please email me at the address below.

Thank you for visiting Howard Zinn Online!

Home Page - Online Works - Biographies - Education - Interviews - Other Radicals - Miscellaneous - Credits
Get Involved

Please contact, with any compliments, questions, or concerns about this site.