[Tim's Cancer Treatment]
Posted 2/3/03
How is Tim?
[Tim's Photo Album]
Updated 10/16/04
[Past Updates]
11-08-04 - Hello again.  We have the date of the next MRI and would really appreciate your prayers.  It will be 11/24 - brain and spine with contrast dye.  Basically that means they take a lot of pictures of Timothy's brain and his spine, then inject a dye in his arm and retake the pictures at the same exact locations.  The process takes about an hour in "the tube".  Timothy does great and I am so thankful that he isn't claustrophobic.  We received an email a couple of weeks ago from a Christian Magazine called "Relevant".  They wanted permission to write some excerpts from Timothy's web site for their magazine.  Of course we said yes.  Anything that might help encourage other families is a blessing to us.  Thank you all for keeping in touch and praying.  Love, Ginny


06-29-05 - Hi Friends!!  I apologize for taking Soooooooooooo long to update this site.  First off, Timothy is great.  There has been so much happening in our lives.  I had hoped to send out Christmas cards with updates - obviously that didn't happen.  Then I actually spent some time updating the site - just to have it all disappear on me.  I know, probably pilot error but I didn't have the time to reconstruct.  Then more recently, I've simply had a hard time logging into the site.  Hooray!  I'm finally in.  Timothy had another MRI in May - Brain and Spine.  All Clear!  He will now only have to have MRI's of the brain as Oncology feels spine is safe.  He is still on th 6 month plan for MRI's until August '06 when he will reach the 5 year mark, then he will go to once a year.  Timothy continues to take the growth hormone, which is working slowly but surely.  He is in the 10th percentile for height and weight for boys his age.  Timothy's hearing is good and he will no longer need the yearly hearing tests.  This is a direct answer to prayer as we prayed for Timothy's hearing.  Many, actually most  of the children that have gone through Timothy's same treatment have some hearing loss and many need to wear hearing aids.  Timothy is now ready to enter High School (Yikes!)  He is hoping to play tennis.  It is a sport he enjoys and is taking a class this summer through the city program.  What's new with us?  Well, after 18 years with the same company and the privledge of working from home, I got laid-off.  I could kind of see it coming because the company was struggling financially.  Still, I have always worked since I was 16 (long,long ago) and I have always been the one to decide when it was time to move on.  This was very humbling.  I immediately began looking for part time work - still a very high value that I am home with the boys as much as possible. Many jobs available full time but a much narrower field for part time.  God was so faithful in the process.  I have a part time job with a ministry CRM (Church Resource Ministries) that I LOVE.  My paycheck at Index officially ended on Feb.15th and I began at CRM on Feb.17th!  Other major changes - Our church plant of 6 years "Tapestry" closed it's doors.  Nobody at Tapestry wanted to see this happen and we tried to look at every angle, but it became apparent that we were not financially stable to continue.  We had a wonderful "Celebration Service" for what God has done through the lives of many people and a "send off" so to speak, to continue the good work.  Many of our sheep are now looking for new church homes and Ed, as the pastor, was looking towards what his next calling would be.  So, again through God's faithfulness to our family, Ed was called to be one of the Associate Pastors at New Song Church in Irvine.  There is no doubt that God had His purpose for Tapestry, and although we don't understand all of the whys, we know that He is in control and that we can trust Him.  (We learned this Big TIme through the experience of Timothy's diagnosis and treatment).  We look forward with great anticipation to what God has planned for us during this next season of our lives.  Before I sign off I must also mention a bit about the rest of the family - Trenton is 10 now and just as social and gregarious as ever.  He enjoys life to the max.  Jeremy is 26 (Can you believe that!!!) and is engaged, no date yet,  to a very sweet gal, Sheeryn.  Life moves on and we continue to count our blessings.  Thank you for checking in on Timothy's site and for your continued prayer (which we know, that we know that we know) makes a difference in his/our lives.
Love, Ginny

8-20-06 - Greetings!  This month on 8/25 we celebrate Timothy's 5 years (post treatment) CANCER FREE!  We want to say thank you, thank you so much to friends, family, neighbors and strangers who have been very supportive and encouraging throughout this journey.  Thank you to the skilled doctors and nurses who cared for Timothy.  We are thankful for your many, many prayers - and continued prayer for Timothy.  The Lord has been gracious.  Timothy will be celebrating his 16th birthday in a couple of weeks.  He is playing tennis at his Hight School and doing well academically.  Timothy will continue to be monitored through the Cancer Treatment Center at CHOC, but mostly he is now followed by his Endocrinologist for his growth hormone therapy.  Timothy has begun giving himself the nightly injections, which was a big hurdle for him.  He was blessed to be able to go to TN for a week with our Church High School group where they met up with about 6000 other high school students from across the country.  This was his first big trip away since treatment.  The gratitude we feel towards you all is huge and humbling.  We count each day as a blessing.  Thank you!
[Timothy's Trust Fund]  [Give Blood]  [Send e-mail to Tim & Family]
Prayer Requests from Tim's Family
1.  A long life for Timmy to love God and to serve Him with all of his heart.
2.  NO long term side effects from the radiation and chemo.