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Howling Hill  Rabbitry- Home of the Happy Holland Lop!
American Rabbit Breeder's Association registered rabbitry S226
Home Page
We started our rabbitry in September, 1999 with five (5) Holland Lops from Luke Galardi, proprietor of Nature Boy's Rabbitry in Papillion, Nebraska.  Currently we have approximately 80 plus rabbits, with the majority being Holland Lops, and other breeds include Dutch, Lilacs, Rhinelanders and Silver Martens.  We like a little variety. Thanks to Christine Feld , Luke Galardi and Ed Lahmann for the swell Holland Lops, Bob Bergene for the Dutch, Willis & Chris Plank for the Lilacs, Tex and Tonna Thomas for the Silver Martens, and Frank Gale for the Rhinelanders. We sell the majority of our bunnies to 4-Hers at reasonable prices, and our goal is always to get more people interested in ARBA.

We welcome any one to
email us if they ever want to visit. We are in District 3,(Erik Bengston, Director) of the American Rabbit Breeders Association and the Holland Lop Rabbit Specialty Club, (Jodi Nissen-Director, Ruth Dapper-Youth Director) of America.