(please read before entering) Let it be known... ...that upon entering the realm of the Howlite Wolf, that this is a realm that requires an open mind. The ideas and expressions of Howlite Wolf that are shared within this site are of that of an anonymous and wandering spirit. If you have a piece of writing to share or a quote to add that is relevant to the contents an purpose of this site, please contact the Howlite Wolf at howlitewolf@yahoo.com and your piece may be shared with others and credit will be given. FOR MORE INFORMATION ON SUBMISSIONS- PLEASE SEE: SUBMISSION INFORMATION If you have any other questions regarding the content of this site- please see: ABOUT THIS SITE I offer to share my own ideas and views as well as others for the sole purpose of the search for Truth and Inspiration. With this all in mind...feel free to enter the Realm of the Howlite Wolf... |